Sunday, September 25, 2005

Axel Update

Here is another Axel update. He is such a sweet little man. Yesterday, he turned 7 weeks old and Luka and I and Reynald sang Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday) to him. For Luka, we did it every week, but poor Axel, sometimes we forget. :) Soon, we will go to every month, and then, sadly, every year! What a cliché, but they do grow up too fast!

He is smiling now (real smiles), started at about 6 weeks, and I got some good pictures of him doing it today.
Smiley Man>Smiley Man>Smiley Man

He is really a sweet baby. He likes to be held a lot (don't they all?) but he really only cries when he is hungry. He is losing some length on his hair since he was born (he had a lot of it) but still has quite a headful. His eyes are definitely brown and I weighed him the other day and he is around 11 lbs (calculated by me weighing myself, adding him to the mix and doing the subtraction).

He likes the snuggliness of the Baby Bjorn. He slept through the fireworks mentioned in posting below (and they were loud), but sometimes wakes up easily in a quiet house. He doesn't like his bassinets unless he's totally beat (too hard) so has been sleeping in the changing table pad (on the floor) or our bed (of course, his fav spot!).

He is becoming more alert during the day (Mommy, ses yeux sont ouverts ! - his eyes are open!), but still sleeps a lot. He sleeps even more when Luka's at day care and sudden noises (screaming laughter, temper tantrums, loud toys) don't jolt him awake at inopportune times.

Luka is sweet to him and likes to show him toys and help take care of him: getting his blanket, putting a diaper in the diaper pail, playing the music button his is baby swing, etc. Luka always loved Axel since the day he came home from the hospital (or make that, since he met him at the hospital), but went through a time of tantrums with us. That has subsided and he is back to his jovial self, with a few 3-year old ("appropriate" at this age?) tantrums thrown in.

Axel is a good nurser. He does, however, spit up quite a bit as evidence of an upset tummy. Often, in the second half of the night he has a lot of tummy problems and trouble sleeping. :( Poor little guy.

At this stage, Axel looks a lot like Luka did when he was little. Glad the pictures will be dated, because it will be hard to tell 20 years from now!

We tried the bottle (pumped Mommy's milk) for Axel twice, but he won't take it yet. Hope we did not wait too long... Also, excuse any typos - Mommy typing (fairly fast) one-handed is quite the feat (with little dude in the other).

Update to the Update - September 26, 2005

Axel had his 2-month check up today. Here are his latest stats:

Height: 23 inches - 50th percentile
Weight: 11 pounds & 2.5 ounces - 50th percentile
Head circumfrence: 15-1/4 inches - 50th percentile

Go, Axel!

Fireworks & Baseball

We have a lot of fireworks in our lives lately. Luka's little "computer" that teaches him the letters and numbers (in English) from Fisher Price that he has had since he was one (using it differently as he got older, but always liking it), has some fireworks that he loves. If he gets to the end of the alphabet or counts to 10 pushing the correct buttons, it has "fireworks" on its screen that he gets all excited about. He had to figure out how to do it himself since he was always asking Mommy to make it show fireworks. That was a great incentive!

Fireworks also appear in two T'Choupi DVD's. Our new one and current favorite, the full-length film (!) Le Mystère les Jouets (The Toy Mystery) has fireworks (and T'Choupi singing) at the end to celebrate T'Choupi and his friend's victory over the toy monster. And, in the episode Le premier bal (the first dance), fireworks and T'Choupi singing (yes, again) to show that he can sing if not dance. Luka likes these fireworks a lot too. Oh, and let's not forget the fireworks T'Choupi sees with his Papi (grandpa) in the book T'Choupi dans la nuit. (An aside: the author of T'Choupi seems keen on fireworks, doesn't he? He also seems to love the gouter (snack time) - or is that just a French thing in general?)

Lastly, here are some fireworks in real life! Friday, Reynald's company gave out tickets for the last fireworks game of the season at Denver's Coors Stadium. The Rockies lost but we and particularly Luka had a fabulous time. He danced a lot to the blaring music and flirted with some college girls behind us. He is already a ladies man - always seeking out the chicks (young or old).

We were in the Rock Pile (cheap seats) which is very desirable for fireworks games because if you are sitting there, for the display, you get to go down onto the ball field (with 10,000 other people) after the ball game is over. Lying flat on your back on a blanket with the fireworks bursting in air right above you is an experience to be had. Luka covered his ears the whole time, but was wide-eyed the entire time. He told me today that he wanted to go to another baseball game. I am sure we will. but we'll have to wait till next season.

Update - October 11, 2005

Today while sitting at his place at the table, Luka was playing with his "guys" or his "copains". These included Shrek, Fiona, Baby Donkey, Mama Donkey, baby gorilla, mommy gorilla, green frog, petit poussin, etc. He had all his buddies lay down on their backs on the table as if they were looking skyward. He told me they were all watching the "feu d'artifice"!! That kid has a good memory!

Letters Letters Letters

Luka starting learning his letters when he was a little bit older than one year. We took baby French class and his teacher started going over them. I thought she was nuts, he was so little. But, he was really interested in them and knew his French ones first, but thanks to day care/school now knows them well in English too. Want the alphabet song? Which language? Take your pick! He first knew the upper case letters but in the last few months, we taught him the lower case ones and he picked up on them really fast.

Now, we are starting to show him how words fit together. I bought a set of good magnetic letters for the fridge, with lots of repeats so you can actually spell words. At this point, he tells us words he wants to spell and we tell him what letters to search for. He puts them in order as we say what they are and he locates them on the fridge. Here is a picture of some of our recent masterpieces: EVE ~ CHAT ~ CHIEN ~ LUKA ~ REYNALD ~ AXEL

Fridge Words

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Marie, Josef et le Petit Bébé Jésus & Old MacDonald had a Farm

Luka's Favorite Trio

Luka has a battery-operated toy slide that three characters slide down, climb up and slide down again (with like an esacalator stair case), going on eternally in a loop. A friend of ours (Jessie) had the same toy, but with penguins and he loved it. So, I found it online and ordered it. However, I ordered him the Old MacDonald version - there are several, evidently. The litte guys that climb the stairs and climb down in this one are a farmer, a pig and a cow. It is quite amusing, but the noise it makes (the escalator) can get to you after a while (but obviously, it doesn't both the kids as Luka can leave it on for hours and not bat an eye).

When he had had the toy for a while, he started talking about "Mary, Joseph and le petit bébé Jésus." When I finally took notice, I realized he was talking about the characters for his little slide. Too hilarious. As I may have mentioned elsewhere in this blog, he is fascinated by baby Jesus. He still remembers the neighbors lit plastic lawn nativity display from last Christmas and wonders when it is coming back. Christmas will be here before we know it now, so he will be excited to greet baby Jesus there, I am sure! He also loves the songs Jesus Loves the Little Children, Jesus Loves Me, and, the all time favorite, Il est né, le divin enfant (He is born, the divine child). I am not sure where he gets this obsession from, but I guess it is a good thing to be obsessed with! :)

For whatever reason (how do little kids' minds work?), he decided that his Old MacDonald characters were Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. He consistently calls the pig Mary, the farmer Joseph and the cow Baby Jesus. Once for several weeks, we misplaced Joseph (the farmer) and Luka was very concerned and often asked me to find him. I was on it, but couldn't figure out what there little guy was hiding. I figured he'd turn up though and sure enough, I eventually found him behind the big armoire in the living room while plugging something in. Whew - we were glad to see him! Now, I keep a closer eye on the whole group - since they are only about an inch and half high they are easy to lose underfoot. For a while, they were kept secreted away in the little Alaska sock purse that Grandma brought him from Anchorage.

For now, we know where they are - safe and sound in the plastic Spiderman bag with Luka's "menagerie" of wild safari animals - hope they don't get scared.

The Best Crepe Recipe

I have looked for a good crepe recipe over the years and this one is the best yet. The crepes are yummy and pour out very well. It is from, modified to perfection by me.

1 to 1 and 1/2 cups Milk
1 cup flour
2 Tbsp. Canola Oil
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Eggs
1 Tbsp. honey

Beat together all crepe ingredients to a smooth batter. Eyeball milk to make batter thin, but not too thin. Let rest 1 hour or overnight. Beat briefly before using. Brush a heavy 8-inch skillet or crepe pan with a little oil or butter then heat. Pour in enough batter to lightly coat bottom of pan. Move pan around to spread batter so it is uniform and thin. Cook until golden. Flip gently and brown the other side. Remove from pan. Fill with your favorite filling then roll up.

Friday, September 16, 2005

What goes around...

What goes around comes around. When I was a kid, I shared a room with two of my brothers and my sister for a while. No sob story here - we had the biggest room in the house (what should have been the master bedroom - my poor parents) and each had lots of room. We all got along well and had fun at night with Mom reading us stories and/or talking till late at night. One thing I remember is how we would often ask my mom for a glass of water, saying (thinking?) we were thirsty. One of us would ask and then another would ask. What little devils! But, Mom never complained and she would always get us a glass of water. Even though we were right across from the bathroom and could have gotten it ourselves! However, now as a parent, I realize maybe she didn't want us up running around once she had gotten us in bed! :) In any case, I am sure it was annoying sometimes, but my mom was always nice about it.

Fast foward about 35 years...pretty much every night now Luka says he is hungry just when you get him in bed and about to leave for the evening after the whole routine (reading, brushing teeth, massaging him, etc.). I am not sure if he really is anymore, but it is a habit at this point. Argh! We feel bad if we don't feed him, but with little guy number 2 around too (Axel) it is exhausting to add that one more item when you you think it is done for the night! Oh well... we will survive, I am sure Luka won't always eat a banana before bed, and some day we will miss even the late night "feedings" when he is all grown up.