Luka has been talking about Don't Eat Pete for a while. With his explanation, searching on the web and some ingenuity by Mommy, we figured out how to play. Here is how to play this exciting game:
- Download and print the Don't Eat Pete grid that Mommy made for Luka.
- Get Cheerios or other small edible items.
- Place the items on some or all of the numbers on the grid.
- Have one person leave the room so the others can choose which Cheerio on which number represents "Pete."
- Let the person come back and eat Cheerios one by one.
- When the person picks the Cheerio designated as "Pete" everyone say, "Don't eat Pete! Don't eat Pete! Don't eat Pete!" and then see the kids convulse in giggles and laughter.
We are going to try it with Axel next. We think he too can play Don't Eat Pete!
The Bodeux family's adventures. Okay, it is mostly about the kids - Luka and Axel - but sometimes, we (Eve & Reynald) may want to share our own escapades too.