Then, at home, after dinner, we had a cake (see below photos for recipe) and four candles. He had fun blowing them out (twice - once for "happy birthday" in English and once for it in French) and eating his name off the cake. He liked the cake and frosting too - yum, yum. Then, time for presents! Two games from Cranium that Mommy thought looked like fun--Cariboo Treasure Hunt and Hullabaloo, and a scooter! Can't wait to play the games and try to scooter!
And, last night, he received a package from his grandparents and got new clothes and games from them, plus some madeleines de commercy (yummy little cakes).
He told me today that he gets three "parties:" one at school, one with Mommy, Da-da and Axel, and one on Saturday with his friends (big monkey-themed blow out at Gymboree).

I have brainwashed my family to eat "healthy" cakes and like them. Hee hee. Here is the recipe for Luka's family birthday cake (on Saturday, we will be eating monkey banana cupcakes!).
Pumpkin Bread
2 cups of whole wheat pastry flour (original recipe calls for all-purpose)
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 TBS baking powder
1 tsp ground cinammon
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground ginger or cloves (I used ginger)
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
1/3 cup shortening (I used non-hydrogenated)
1/2 cup chopped nuts (I used pecans in a separate bread from what we used as the birthday cake)
1/2 cup raisins (optional - I personally do not like raisins in this type of bread)
In large bowl, combine 1 cup of the flour, the brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, baking soda, nutmeg, and ginger or cloves. Add pumpkin, milk, eggs and shortening.
Beat with an electric mixer on low speed till blended, then on high for 2 minutes. Add remaining flour; beat well. Sitre in nuts and raisins, if using.
Pour batter into a greased 9x5x3-in loaf pain. (I use two and make the breads thinner and cook them less time. That stretches it a bit farther and the pieces are not so high then when you cut a slice.) Bake in a 350 degree preheated over for 60 - 65 minutes or till toothpick comes out clean. (If you use two pans like I do, check them at about 20 minutes and they will likely be done in no more than 30 minutes for sure.)
Cool for 10 minutes on wire rack. Remove from pan; cool thoroughly before wrapping.
(this is not healthy, but it worked in a pinch for the pumpkin muffins and his birthday cake after supper--I found it on the Internet last night)
1 package of instant pudding mix (I used French vanilla)
1 cup of milk, very cold
1 regular size container of Cool Whip
Mix milk and pudding mix together, till well blended; about 2 minutes. Then, gently mix in Cool Whip. Frost cupcakes and/or cake and refrigerate till ready to serve (though that stuff is not really dairy (!) so don't worry too much about the refrigeration part if you have to transport it). Decorate with sprinkles. I also cut this in half, and it worked fine.