When you have a kid/kids, strollers multiply and sneak upon you. So watch out!
We now own many:
Stroller #1: The universal stroller into which the baby car seat fits, that you can use from day one when baby is tiny, through one year old or so (till you switch to a front-facing car seat). Some people get the big Graco set up, but we appreciated the less bulky option of a universal stroller into which a baby car set can fit. Folds up more compactly and still has a good-sized basket at the bottom. Handed down from our friends that they used for "baby" Jessie, to Luka to Axel, soon to be used by Jessie's (who is now 5) brother to be born this summer! Got a lot of use out of that stroller - thanks Ann and Cameron! Click here for an example of a universal stroller. We did not have this one (ours was a Cambio) , but it looks fine and gives you the idea.
Stroller #2: We got the original BOB. This is the "mountain bike" of jog strollers. The manufacturer calls it a "sport utility stroller." Yeah--I'd say so! I used it a lot on our neighborhood trails with Luka and also at Chautauqua Park in Boulder to go over big rocks and roots (but have to be very careful with that--cannot have the stroller tip as this could invite severe head injury). It also has shocks. In the $200-$300 range, but we got a lot of use out of it. And, I guess they do pretty well when you sell them used. Got one more kid to go, and then will probably do that to make some of our money back. For a jogger, is a bit heavy, but not too bad. I liked mine and use it often with Axel now that he is big enough to go in it, but would likely do it over and get a lighter one for jogging had I known. Today, they make a lighter BOB called the Ironman. It is really light, but costs a pretty penny. You can check out their site at http://www.bobtrailers.com/strollers/.
Stroller #3: Little cheapie stroller for baby that can sit up well--umbrella stroller or the like. Axel is still too young, but he will be there soon. (I see people put really little babies in these sometimes and this is a bad idea--they are all slumped over with no support.) We got ours to take Luka to France when he was 10 months old so as to get as compact as we could for the trip. These cost around $20, or you can spend more, but that kind of defeats the purpose. We got a lot of use out of this one for Luka and used it till he was 2+, and still have it, but it may get tossed so Axel can start out with a clean one instead of with Luka's well-used/abused hand-me-down in this case.
Stroller #4: Got two kids? Need a double stroller? Luka was almost three when Axel was born, and is now a very good walker. He was then too, but sometimes, it would have been helpful to have a double, but not really worth buying one. A friend gave us a low-end one (front to back, not side to side) that she was not using. This helped at the zoo at Halloween when Luka got tired and at Christmas in LoDo, etc. We did not use it a whole lot, but it sure helped the few times we needed it. I thought about getting the Stand on Tandem Caboose stroller. The big kid can stand or sit in the back on a little platform and the baby can go in the other part of it in his/her car seat or directly in the stroller. People I talked to who had one really liked it. For kids with an age spread like Luka and Axel, it seemed good. However, now, as the months have passed, Luka is a bit big for it and he is a good walker and he listens well when told to stay with me, etc. So, even though it would have been neat, the window of use we would have got out of it was too small.
Stroller #5: Yes, the famous Chariot. We could not believe we bought another stroller, and a double at that, but it really is the Cadillac of them all. And, as we said earlier, we got it for the ski sled capabilities and just benefit from its split personalities as a bonus: this luxury kid carrier can function as a stroller, jog stroller, bike trailer, hiking rickshaw and ski sled. Even in a little over a month, we've gotten a lot of use out of it and feel it has given us quite a bit of freedom in the mountains. Check out the details that we put up about it on our web site or check out Chariot's web site. Reynald said he may want to use it as a gear sled after the kids are too big for it. No way--we are going to sell it used and recoup some of the money. I am sure it will be well-loved, but still in good shape, with lots of memories to boot.
I think this will be our last "stroller," but you never know!
P.S. I like using the word "ode" don't I?