Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sign Language Fun

Luka is learning some signs at school. He is really into it and likes learning new ones. He often asks me how to say various words in sign. I have used my friend Sanya as a resource (she is an audiologist who knows ASL), looked things up on the Internet, and made things up ("A" in sign for "Axel" and "L" in sign for "Luka").

See this website at Michigan State University for a "dictionary" of signs along with demonstrations using QuickTime video. Luka wanted to know how to say "trash" or "trash can" and Sanya pointed us here. Here is the alphabet demonstrated in conjunction with that same site.

Luka knows how to say:
Yes, No, Mom, Dad, Sorry, Please, Eat/Hungry, Drink/Thirsty, I love you, Thank you and some others. Also, we can say "trash" and "see you later".

He likes to ask questions and then have them answered in sign. He is having a lot of fun with it. I'd consider taking him to a class for preschool age hearing kids if I could find one.

As "Uncle" Steven pointed out, maybe it is the language thing that attracts Luka. In any case, he is having fun with it.