Friday, January 26, 2007

Axel/Luka Update

Axel stood up for the first time (that we saw, anyway) on his own today! I turned around and Axel was on top of the wooden kid table, standing up all by himself, just looking at me! Look, ma! No hands! Then, he was all excited at me taking his picture, so would then again balance on his two feet (no hands) and smile proudly for the camera.

Look, Ma! No hands!
He has a new word too: "Encore". Papa was very happy he has a French word as one of his first ones. He loves saying it and says it over and over (but does use it appropriately). He also says "Luka" pretty clearly now and is very proud of that too.

Speaking of Luka, this week he pretty much stopped wearing "slips spéciaux" to bed and now just sleeps in his underwear like a big boy. Yipee! He has done at that at nap at school for years, but I think he liked wearing the PullUps at night because sometimes he was too scared to go potty in the dark! Now, as long as he goes wee wee before going to bed, everything is fine.
Picture below of Luka in the cowboy hat and boots he made at school the week they studied the Stock Show (big event here in Colorado in January). He was very proud! (He's holding a basket of safari animals!)
Giddy up, little doggie!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Galette des rois - 2007

Luka as king
Crowning the king
Here are pictures of the kids this year celebrating Epihpanie French style. Axel and Luka both got feves and they played with their crowns for weeks. Luka decorated his and Mommy made Axy's. Next year though, I am sure he can do his own.

Go here to see the recipe I have been making for the last two years.

If you read French, try this one. Or, this one. These look pretty easy too and I notice that they use more eggs than the one I used above, and use powdered almonds instead of almond paste. If I remember to look this up next year, I will try one of those.

And, some history about the tradition of the galette des rois and epiphanie in France to be found here (my blog) and here (a well-known French recipe blog).

Axel's new words

Tonight as the tub was filling up for Luka and Axel's bath, Axy looked at it and said (unprompted), "Bubba" for all the bubbles that were filling it up, and he said "aught" for "hot". Then, we kept asking him repeatedly to say those words and he thought that was great and smiled while he said them for us several times. He was kind of shy, but repeated them for us and we all had fun laughing together.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Luka/Axel Update

Luka's favorite song (still even though Christmas is over): 12 Days of Christmas, all of which he can sing all by himself! He also considers "Ne pleure pas Jeanette" his "favorite" song and has me play it over and over on the iPod. I knew we'd like the easy repeat feature!

Axel's favorite song: any of the ones in the three French song volumes with fun pictures; any song to which he can boogie down (movin' to the music!)

Axel's favorite book: Any Coco the elephant book (Cocol Vole, Coco et les autres, Coco et Sidonie, Coco Mange, Coco tout nu). Actually, of these, his definite favorites at Coco Vole and Coco et les autres. He loves the part where Coco, Gigi, Nana and LuLu dance (see below) and the all of Coco Vole - that plane is just so cool!

Axel's new words: he likes to say l'hippopotame ("pippopa" or "popopo") and "tralalalalala" as in "Coco, Gigi et Nana dansent...tralalalalala!"

Luka's current favorite game at school: tag!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Luka's first day of ski lessons!

Luka's first day of skiing lessons - ready to go! Luka getting ready to ski - first day of lessons!

Saturday was his first day of ski lessons at Eldora Mountain Resort. It was a family affair with all of us there. The wind at Eldora was crazy -- the closed the lifts - but the kid lessons went on anyway and Luka got to ride the "magic carpet" and do the pizza move! He really liked it and we are looking forward to more skiing fun.

Axel having fun at Eldora too

Learning to Walk and Art work

Axel learning to walk - happy man!

Luka's artwork from school when they studied health and safety. He dictated the text to his teacher. It says, "I was running on the street; after I hurt my thumb so my mom picked me up and said "What happened, Luka?" and she got me a bandaid." (See picture and band aid below.)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jill's Buttercream Icing Recipe

Buttercream Icing

(Jill's notes below.)

2 lb. bag of powdered sugar
1 ½ cups Crisco (butter works great too)
2 tsp. clear vanilla extract (I use real vanilla unless I want really white icing, for that you need this clear stuff)
7 Tbsp. water or milk

Put Crisco, water and extracts with a small amount of powdered sugar in large bowl. Mix on medium speed and gradually add the rest of the sugar. Mix for 10 to 12 minutes (this is why I use a stand mixer) until fluffy.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Axel Talking

Axel is very discerning about the words he says and repeats sounds that he thinks are fun. Ask him to repeat something, and sometimes he will, but he may just laugh mischeviously and choose to say it later when he is good and ready.

"Words" he said on his own with no prompting include "Wahoo!" after Mommy said it to express excitement. Today, after reading "Coco et les autres" he also said "Coco" on his own and also "Tralalalalalala" after the part where Coco, Gigi and Nana dance together and sing that. He really liked that word!

He says his famous word "ooos" (or however you spell it) less, but here is a funny video of him saying it for us at Disneyworld.

jumpcut movie:Dec2006_209-1.MOV

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Nouvelles en Français

Salut à tous les français !

Tout va bien au Colorado, et les fêtes se passent sous un metre de neige. On a eu une grosse tempête de neige juste avant Noël qui a littéralement paralysé le Colorado pendant prés de deux jours. On était coincé à la maison, mais c'était mieux que de devoir laisser son vehicule sur la route et d'essayer de rentrer a pied, ou bien d'être coincé a l'aéroport comme beaucoup l'étaient. Il y a deux jours, une deuxième tempête est arrivée et nous sommes de nouveau coincés à la maison depuis, ce qui nous fait des vacances ! Ce qui est surprenant c'est que toutes les grandes surfaces n'ont presque plus de produits frais depuis une semaine et que les gens se battent presque pour acheter les derniers cartons de lait ou des fruits. Un manque de preparation totale qui a de quoi inquieter si on devait un jour faire face a qqchose de plus serieux qu'une tempête de neige.

Ces dernières semaines, on a fait quelques periples, avec un trip à Omaha dans le Nebraska pour retrouver le frère de Eve et sa maman a l'occasion du long weekend de Thanksgiving. Un weekend sympa et reposant, mais parcourir les routes du Nebraska en plein hiver n'est pas conseillé (on a vu des dizaines de voitures dans le fosse à cause du verglas et on a mis 12 heures pour rentrer au lieu de 8).

Histoire d'aller chercher le soleil, on est allé passer une semaine de vacances en Floride (Orlando) debut décembre. On etait en fait invites pour assister au lancement de la navette spatiale Discovery. Ce fut un évenement plutôt special car nous connaissons le pilote de la navette qui est un ami d'enfance de Eve (ils sont allés dans la même école a Anchorage). C'est le seul astronaute d'Alaska.

Le décollage de nuit a ete très spectaculaire avec une lumière éblouissante (meme a 5 km) et un bruit infernal. Vraiment une expérience unique, pour Luka aussi qui n'en revenait pas et qui j'espère ne l'oubliera pas. On en a aussi profité pour aller à Disney World et le "Royaume Magique" de Mickey pour une paire de jours. Beaucoup de monde à notre avis meme si c'est la saison basse, mais les manèges étaient sympas et on a pu emmener Axel avec nous a peu près partout. Luka a aussi vu Cendrillon (dont il est un grand fan) dans le château.

Pour Noël, nous sommes allés passer 3 jours dans un chalet perdu au fond d'une vallée à 3500 metres d'altitude ou l'accès se fait en raquettes ou à ski. Ce fut plutôt une aventure (10 km en plus de six heures pour y arriver) avec des chutes de neige toute la journée et des temperatures approchant les -15 degrès. Les enfants ont eu froid par moment mais heureusement qu'on avait des "hand and toe warmers" sinon on aurait du faire demi-tour. La remorque les protège assez bien, mais il y a tout de même des limites. Eve et un ami ont du souvent etre derrière la remorque pour m'aider. Le chalet était bien équipé, avec des lits pour 20 personnes, il faut juste amener sa nourriture et son sac de couchage. Le sauna chauffé au bois était un plus appreciable. Et je ne parle pas de la poudreuse qu'on a pu skier aux abords du chalet sans se bousculer.

Pour Nouvel An, nous avons simplement prevu un petit diner avec des amis, et on sera surement couché avant minuit. Les temps changent...

Samedi prochain, Luka va commencer a prendre des lecons de ski pour 6 semaines a une petite station pas trop loin. On espère qu'il sera bientôt autonome... Pour 2007, on n'a pas prevu grand-chose. Mes parents seront chez nous en printemps. Ils voudraient aller vers Yellowstone et aussi le Grand Canyon et les parcs nationaux de l'Utah. On espère aussi que ca permettra a Luka de pratiquer son français.

Pour voir quelques photos de nos derniers periples, cliquez sur "Trip to Florida" à gauche - il y aussie une vidéo du décollage de la navette. Tous nos meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle année et à bientôt !
