Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Week Off

Moab was fun for Thanksgiving week. Tgiving dinner at rented condo. Hot tub. Arches Natl Park. Wilson Arch & Needles overlook. Sunny days in November.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Birthday Reminiscing

We were discussing past birthday parties this evening at dinner. So, Luka and I are here to make a list of what we did for past birthday parties.

1st birthday: train cake at home
2nd: Whinnie the Pooh at home
3rd: Fire fighters museum with friends (and pumpkin cake at home)
4th: Monkey theme at Gymboree with friends
5th: Pump it Up - Zarkan theme with all class friends from Academy Kindergarten
6th: Spiderman theme at Rec Center with Connor
7th: Eiffel Tower Theme at home with school friends

1st birthday: Winnie the Pooh at home
2nd: Doudou - as in T'Choupi et Doudou at Lakeside Amusement Park
3rd: Bob the Builder with neighborhood friends at home after returning from France
4th: Monkey party in Leadville with Henry family

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New look for the blog!

I have not posted lately, but still think about our blog! I just updated this blog's look with a free background.

I've been busy working on other things such as my podcast, my bilingual blog, my twitter account about raising kids to be bilingual, my twitter account about translation, and sending updates on Facebook. It is hard to keep up with all this and real life too!

Hope to be back soon, at least with some new recipes!