Luka has had lots of nicknames since he was born. Actually, more from me than from Reynald. Luka did not have a formal name until he was 4 days old. But, that didn't bother us any -- we called him Little Man, Mister and I am sure some other things. So, the nickname thing started early (actually, pre-birth and/or conception as I have that proclivity that runs in my family to give funny names to people, it seems). Since then, he has had lots of nicknames. Some that come to mind:
Sometimes he likes being called nicknames and sometimes he gets mad: "Mommy, je ne suis pas un poomster, je suis Luka !
Little Man Mister Mister Moo Mister Mooglie Pampoum Poomster Lovey LoveMonster Coquin Stinker Stinko Little Sweetie Mon Luka My Luka Mon amour
Easter Eggs
It is several months past Easter now, but Luka had such a great time finding hidden Easter eggs and "hiding" them for us to find, it is still a game he likes to play. Just today, he asked me to get out the (plastic) Easter eggs so he could hide them. He opened them up to hide little treasures (fish crackers) in them and shook them to make sure they were filled. Then, he hid them in the living room for me to find. "Maman, je suis prêt !"
The funny thing is, he always "hides" them on the glass table with the lamp on it -- in plain site. So, he kind of gets the idea, but not exactly. Then, together, we look under the coach, under the coffee table, under the new chair, under the bench, etc. Until, finally, we notice that they are - voilà! - on the table! Now, he is mainly the one who hides the three plastic eggs we have left, but he also likes to search for them when we hide them (and in that case, they are a little more hidden). He also still thinks about the Easter Bunny -- today he told me that his buddy Monsieur Bunny brought him the plastic eggs. He came up with that moniker on his own! (At first, he kept telling me it was Santa Clause who brought Easter baskets, but we got that straightened out pretty quickly.)
Luka & Monsieur Bunny
Santa Pajamas
Right around Christmas, he needed some new pajamas -- the kind that are like long johns, but cotton. The only ones I could find in the right size were at Old Navy and they have a snowboarding Santa on them. Luka loved them then, and since (see above) little kids aren't yet brainwashed by the rest of us to associating holiday figures with certain times of the year, he is still excited about wearing them (in mid-May). Hey, next year he will be too big for them at Christmas, so might as well get the most wear out of them that we can. He also insisted on wearing the top to school a few weeks back (under neath his "real" shirt).
That reminds me of when, a half a year or so now, he liked wearing one red sock and one blue sock. At his day care, I wonder what they thought of that :) They probably are used to (worse than) that from all the little kids they deal with and know it is not due to a remiss mommy. In any case, it was actually pretty creative on his part, so I let him do what he wanted.