Friday, May 20, 2005

Poo Poo and in Search of Toddler Sheets

Luka had some antics recently that will be remembered as the famous poo-poo bed incident... but, we won't go into the gory details here - it is just too much about poop. The upshot is that we realized he needed to get out of his crib. I always thought he liked it, and I think he did, but it obviously was a bit confining. We had dropped the drop side, but it was still something he had to climb over. In any case, last night, he spent the first night in his "big boy bed" - the crib converted to toddler bed - three sides with slats still and one side free for him to climb out of.

He was very excited and, as Reynald converted the bed, ran around his room saying, "Je suis content ! Je suis content !" Or, in other words, "I'm so happy!" Gee, I guess we should have done that a while ago!

I wanted to buy him some new sheets to make the transition as momentous as possible. He and I went to Target in seearch of some toddler-sized prize with Sponge Bob, Spiderman or other commercial on it. But, it was not to be. Target carries no toddler sized flat sheets! That is the key, you see, because a "toddler" fitted sheet is just a crib sheet. To make it a "real" big boy experience, he needs a flat sheet like the rest of us big people.

He survived his first night in the big boy bed with a double sheet made to fit his bed. But, we need something more exciting than Reynald's old sheet from his bachelor pad days! (By the way, he did end up on the floor and told me so the next morning, "Mommy, j'étais sur le sol - Mommy, I was on the floor!" He had the imprint of the rug on one side of his body to prove it :( but didn't really seem to mind....)

So, I went online thinking it would be easy to find him a bed-time prize. But, alas, this was not the case. I did find "toddler bedding sets" at places like Wal-mart (where I usually am able to avoid spending my money...ick). However desperate I was, I was not going to buy him cheap-o poly/cotton blends - which, even on other sites, seem to be the norm. Also, it seems most stores include a comforter in their "toddler set". There are a couple of problems with that. First, it is over 90 degrees today, so paying for and/or using a quilt is just silly at this time. Also, he may go up to a twin bed in the fall, so we don't need that extra piece.

I called Pottery Barn Kids. They said that a lot of people ask for toddler flat sheets but the only place they have heard of that sells them is JCPenney catalog. (This is very odd, I'd say, because Pottery Barn and several other stores sell high-end TODDLER BEDS. What do they expect us to use on them?! Hello, Pottery Barn marketing department - new product idea!)

I called Penney's, but the lady could not find them. She sent me the kids bedding catalog and maybe I will have some luck there. In the end, I did find some 100% cotton sheets at the BabyCenter Store - good old Baby Center who sends me weekly updates on my pregancy progress and monthly updates on Luka's toddlerhoom. I have never spent money on their "things to purchase" site, so I guess it is about time.

There - more than you ever wanted to know about finding toddler sheets (and not more than you ever wanted to know about poop disasters - consider yourself lucky on that account).

update at 8:41 p.m.

Luka was going to sleep on the floor again, so we moved his actual mattress on the floor. He seems more comfortable with that and is now on his way to dream land.