Axel's first trip - he was a real champ. Just waking up here and there if he was too hot or too cold. It was 104 degrees in town and probably in the 80's and 90's we were, so the tent was a bit hot at the beginning of the night. Luka slept the whole night through in his own little sleeping bag. They both liked playing in the tent and around the camp site.
We also went biking with them in the Chariot (bike attachment). That worked very well and it was very comfortable for them. It is familar and they are used to it now too--their little place to sit when we go on adventures. We biked up to a lake above us and did some "fishing" with Luka's fishing pole. He can cast by himself! I can't believe it. I showed him how when we went to Echo Lake and he remembered from that! I was really impressed. It took me longer to learn how to do it than it took him!
Axel had fun too. He had a new safari/monkey hat to protect him from the sun. And, he liked exploring pine cones (trying to eat them), playing in the dirt (grabbing it while reaching from inside the tent), and other fun stuff.
We ate lunch at Erin something picnic grounds at Turquoise Lake outside Leadville. Nice set up there with water available and nice toilets, and good view of the lake, but a lot of bugs (mosquitos).
Then, we did our big bike trip, riding from Copper to Breckenride. About 16 miles. The kids did great and we both had fun, with Reynald pulling the kids.
Reynald had to go back and get the car while the kids and I ate at Kenosha BBQ in Breck and Luka beat Mommy at horseshoes. :)
Luka, Mommy and Axel at the camp table after out dinner (that is not our tent behind, but the campers next to us).
Axel in our tent (through bug screen)