Thursday, November 16, 2006

Native American Names

Luka has been studying various Native American cultures at school this week. They made feather bands to wear, "pottery", painted their faces, and also got Indian names at school. Luka's is Slippery Fish. We discussed and he came up with names for the rest of us too:

Mommy - Sitting Beaver
Dada - Talking Beaver (yes, these should reversed, but Luka picked them - ha ha)
Axel - Screaming Bear (okay, I came up with that, but Luka agreed--due to Axel's favorite pastime lately).

Update: Talked to Luka's teacher, Miss Heather, today after school. She said that the kids mistook her suggestion of the name "Stalking Beaver" for "Talking Beaver". Ha ha. That is where that comes from. Well, in that case, I guess it fits Papa better than it fits me (?).