Friday, October 12, 2007

Long time no blog...

Long time, no blog! Here is a recap of our activities since our last posting:


- We have fun with our neighbors fireworks and Luka piggy backing on mommy for the city display.

- Axy starts day care. He is in Toddler 3.

- Reynald to Alaska to do a solo ride of the 200 mile distance in the Fireweed 400: Sheep Mountain Lodge to Valdez. Included a ferry/train trip from Valdez back to Portage and visiting with the in-laws.

- See Uncle Steven, Aunt Angela and her parents at crepe restaurant in Denver, on their way to new home in LA.

- Reynald starts his new job!

- Eve gets her hair cut short (really!)

- Family church camp 5 hours west: Grand Mesa United Methodist Church Camp. Highlihts include paddle boating, crafts, new friends and Luka singing Le Bon Roi Dagobert for talent night, in French, with Eve and Reynald singing our on-the-fly English translation (Axel helped too) and then we lead a sing-along of Frère Jacques (everyone knows that!).


Le Bon Roi Dagobert / The Good King Dagbert

[Verse 1 - French]

Le bon roi Dagobert
Avait sa culotte à l'envers.
"Ô mon Roi, Votre Majesté
Est mal culottée."
"C'est vrai, lui dit le roi,
Je vais la remettre à l'endroit."

[Verse 1 - our English version]

The good King Dagbert
Put his underpants on backwards.
The great Saint Eloi said,
Oh my King, your Majesty has your underwear on wrong.
That's true, said the king, I'll put it back on the right way.

[Verse 2 - French]

Chassait dans la plaine d'Anvers.
Le grand saint Eloi lui dit :
"Ô mon Roi, votre Majestée
Est bien essouflée."
"C'est vrai, lui dit le roi,
Un lapin courait après moi."

[Verse 2 - our English version]

The good King Dagbert
Was hunting in the fields of Anvers.
The great Saint Eloi said,
"Oh my King, your Majesty is really out of breath."
"That' s true, says the king, a rabbit was running after me."

(That song is not a positive comment on the ruling classes!)



- Axel turns 2! Birthday bash with four litle friends (Kylie, Sean, Riley and Connor for Luka) at Lakeside's awesome kid area. Motorcycles, planes, cars, boats, wigwams, ferris wheel and more! The party was Doudou-themed: Axy's fav character from T'Choupi. We had Doudou invitations, a Doudou cakeand a Doudou tshirt for the birthday boy (yay, Mommy!).

- Weekend VBS -lots of fun for both Axel and Luka. Mommy is "tribe leader" for group of kids.

- Ride the Divide: Rollins Pass - Reynald rode up with the "tougher" group on Saturday and Eve rode the Winter Park - Nederland direction with Corinne and Anne who were the perfect team mates for this challenging ride.

- Luka starts Kindergarten at The Academy!


- We start teaching Axel's two-year old Sunday school class once a month.

- Emeline, Axel's French nou nou (really, his buddy) comes twice a week to play with him and help him use his French speaking skills.

- Luka starts French class for French-American kids in Boulder. Great success!

- Luka starts soccer. Fun with team and Luka likes hugging his friends on the opposing teams as well as doing cartwheeels around the field during the game. But, a good introduction to team sports.


It is not over yet, but passing by fast. Luka's big 5th birthday bash at Pump It Up is fast approaching. Zarkan invitations, Zarkan t-shirt and Zarkan cake - Luka's fav character from his fav movie: Le mystère des jouets.

Pumpkin and Halloween fun (nightly ritual of lighting candles, turning out the music and dancing out to Halloween songs). Costumes chosen for Halloween: Luka - black spiderman; Axel - red spiderman (and/or a bee, a monkey, a fireman or a pirate - take your pick!).

Reynald rode the White Rim outside Moab with our friend Dan. A 10+ hour ride in the Utah desert--go, guys!