Sunday, July 06, 2008

New Tips for Traveling in France

Tip #1:
Safe Kid Car Seats in France

If you are traveling with a child still in a 5-point harness (infant or toddler), if you are bringing your own car seat, be sure to bring the metal clip provided so you can block the car's seat belt.

Cars in France do not have locking seat belts and you need it to keep the child seat actually restraine and not sliding freely even though it is in the seat belt. Or, you can rent a seat at the rental car check-in (or buy one at Cora, Auchan or LeClerc for the same price). French kid car seats have a built in way to block the seat belt.

Tip #2:
Avoid Speeding Tickets

All through France on the highways, there are automated radar machines that take pictures of your car if you are speeding, even slightly over the speed limit. Be aware of this and don't learn the hard way. This is a new initiative in France the last few years and we were surprised by it (and have several tickets to pay!). You must respect the speed limits or you will pay the price!

Even if you rent a car, the rental company will eventually charge your card once they are notified of the speeding tickets by the French police (through the mail).