We had a very fun Easter weekend with our friends Nat, Jeff and Max. We had raclette on Sunday night at our pad in Leadville, and then yummy crepes at theirs Sunday morning.
The boys had lots of excitement discovering what the Easter Bunny had brought them. (Now that we have curtains installed at the condo, Eve had to wake them up at 8:30 a.m. and tell them we'd had a "vistor." Previous weekends [sans curtains] Axel was happily waking us up at 5 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings - argh!)
They also had tons of fun with the egg hunt that Easter Bunny (that would be Nat and her mother-in-law) hid for them outside in the snow. Max (our 8-month old buddy) waited patiently inside for his pals while they located their loot.
Good skiing at Copper Mountain. Luka did five (count 'em!) black runs with Reynald, Nat and Jeff. Axel did awesome right and left turns and snow plow on the bunny hill (look Ma, no teather!) with Eve. He chased Mommy while she ran down the hill - go, Ax!