The girls all gave me thoughtful mommy-oriented presents which included an in-home post-partum massage, deluxe pedicure and many yummy lotions and potions. Yipee! Also, Luka got a gift too - a French book we read as soon as we got home and little man #2 also received very sweet (and needed) new-born sized onsies.
At the party, I told a story about Luka that I realized I had not put here yet and realized must be preserved! I actually can't believe I had not written it up yet...
A month or so ago, Luka asked me (seemingly out of the blue), "Maman, où est ton papa (Mommy, where

Some time before this incident, Luka had asked me where baby Jesus was. He was looking for him on the neighbor's lawn where, at Christmas, there is a lit up manger with baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. At that time, I told him that Jesus was always with us looking down at us from the sky, but that we would only see him on the neighbor's lawn around Christmas.
When he asked about my dad, I told him Mommy misses her daddy very much and that, now, he lives in the sky with baby Jesus and watches over Luka and takes care of him too. He seemed happy with that answer, and I was too.