I have realized that the T'Choupi DVD's are teaching Luka several French phrases in a more natural way. I am pretty sure that is where he got "oui" from in his current usage of it. It was a real favorite for a while but now is more relaxed in usage. He knew the word before and its meaning, but I think the T'Choupi flicks help him to use various phrases more naturally in his speech. Including:
"Mesdames et Messieurs !" (as in "je vous présente" okay, that is not real natural, but he has fun with it)
"Bonne nuit, Maman" (of course, that could come from us repeating it since he was born)
"J'arrive... Papa et Luka arrivent... etc."
"Je ne sais pas quoi faire."
"S'il te plaît..."
"Ma petite maman." (Not sure if this one is from T'choupi, but it sure is cute."
... I know there are some others that I am too tired to recall right now - however, I just thought it was interesting, that in this case, TV (or more correctly DVD's) are very helpful in providing a forum in which French is spoken in a true French context (product) from which he can learn to speak more natively/fluently.
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