I think we were the last family in America to get an outdoor grill... Now we have joined the ranks! Since we had our new patio installed at the end of last summer, we added patio furniture and then, this Father's Day, went to Lowe's and bought a grill. We have been using it a lot since then and having nice family lunches (on weekends) and dinners (any day of the week) outdoors. When it is sunny, we add our new parasol/umbrella and are having a blast. Also, today, I bought unbreakable plates and tumblers at Target for our outdoor eating adventures.
I also feel somewhat reinvigorated to find new recipes (for the grill). Was kind of in a cooking rut. (Wonder how long this will last when baby #2 arrives in approximately 5.5 weeks, but for now am having fun with it). Tonight, I prepared grilled shrimp and prosciutto kabobs along with a side dish (cooked on the grill in non-stick tin foil) that I had invented of polenta slices topped with basil, fresh tomato slices, spinach leaves and mozzarella cheese. Yum. Too bad Luka has been very finicky lately - not a trait until now - and would only eat some of the shrimp with the mustard garlic sauce. :(
Also, recently have tried organic (hormone free, etc.) beef kabobs with garlic pepper and veggies, and pork loin grilled with molasses sauce (that was so-so - may try it again and re-invent the sauce to be more exciting).