On Monday, August 22, Luka started in a new class at his school. They mark August 22 as the beginning of the new school year and Luka moved to a new class with some of his other buddies. His friend Kristin was already in the same preschool class so that is good that they are in the same one. There are several preschool classes because that is a popular program. This was an easier transition than when he moved from the little kids class (1 - 2 year olds, called Toddler 1) to the Toddler 3 class (2 - 3 year olds) last year. The first day after preschool, Luka said, "Mommy, I had a good day!"
He has also, on the suggestion of Grandma, been riding his bike (trike) to school every morning. Go, Luka!
His new teachers are Debbie, Jamie and Cory (who was also a Toddler 1 teacher). In a few weeks, Rachel will replace Cory in the later afternoon. His teachers in Toddler 3 were Majel and Rhandine for a long time. He really liked Rhandine and she was wonderful. She was due with her first child a few weeks before I was due with Axel, so in July, she was replaced with Sophie. Sophie was awesome too and seemed to really like Luka. He liked her a lot. Then, Majel was replaced with Danielle. Luka just had her for a few weeks before moving to preschool, but she seemed really good and interested in the kids and organized too. She was the new head teacher.
Luka loves school and it was time to move up to preschool where they are a little more independent. He is now going in the big kids potty in the main hallway too (as opposed to having a potty just for his room).