He is smiling now (real smiles), started at about 6 weeks, and I got some good pictures of him doing it today.

He is really a sweet baby. He likes to be held a lot (don't they all?) but he really only cries when he is hungry. He is losing some length on his hair since he was born (he had a lot of it) but still has quite a headful. His eyes are definitely brown and I weighed him the other day and he is around 11 lbs (calculated by me weighing myself, adding him to the mix and doing the subtraction).
He likes the snuggliness of the Baby Bjorn. He slept through the fireworks mentioned in posting below (and they were loud), but sometimes wakes up easily in a quiet house. He doesn't like his bassinets unless he's totally beat (too hard) so has been sleeping in the changing table pad (on the floor) or our bed (of course, his fav spot!).
He is becoming more alert during the day (Mommy, ses yeux sont ouverts ! - his eyes are open!), but still sleeps a lot. He sleeps even more when Luka's at day care and sudden noises (screaming laughter, temper tantrums, loud toys) don't jolt him awake at inopportune times.
Luka is sweet to him and likes to show him toys and help take care of him: getting his blanket, putting a diaper in the diaper pail, playing the music button his is baby swing, etc. Luka always loved Axel since the day he came home from the hospital (or make that, since he met him at the hospital), but went through a time of tantrums with us. That has subsided and he is back to his jovial self, with a few 3-year old ("appropriate" at this age?) tantrums thrown in.
Axel is a good nurser. He does, however, spit up quite a bit as evidence of an upset tummy. Often, in the second half of the night he has a lot of tummy problems and trouble sleeping. :( Poor little guy.
At this stage, Axel looks a lot like Luka did when he was little. Glad the pictures will be dated, because it will be hard to tell 20 years from now!
We tried the bottle (pumped Mommy's milk) for Axel twice, but he won't take it yet. Hope we did not wait too long... Also, excuse any typos - Mommy typing (fairly fast) one-handed is quite the feat (with little dude in the other).
Update to the Update - September 26, 2005
Axel had his 2-month check up today. Here are his latest stats:
Height: 23 inches - 50th percentile
Weight: 11 pounds & 2.5 ounces - 50th percentile
Head circumfrence: 15-1/4 inches - 50th percentile
Go, Axel!