What goes around comes around. When I was a kid, I shared a room with two of my brothers and my sister for a while. No sob story here - we had the biggest room in the house (what should have been the master bedroom - my poor parents) and each had lots of room. We all got along well and had fun at night with Mom reading us stories and/or talking till late at night. One thing I remember is how we would often ask my mom for a glass of water, saying (thinking?) we were thirsty. One of us would ask and then another would ask. What little devils! But, Mom never complained and she would always get us a glass of water. Even though we were right across from the bathroom and could have gotten it ourselves! However, now as a parent, I realize maybe she didn't want us up running around once she had gotten us in bed! :) In any case, I am sure it was annoying sometimes, but my mom was always nice about it.
Fast foward about 35 years...pretty much every night now Luka says he is hungry just when you get him in bed and about to leave for the evening after the whole routine (reading, brushing teeth, massaging him, etc.). I am not sure if he really is anymore, but it is a habit at this point. Argh! We feel bad if we don't feed him, but with little guy number 2 around too (Axel) it is exhausting to add that one more item when you you think it is done for the night! Oh well... we will survive, I am sure Luka won't always eat a banana before bed, and some day we will miss even the late night "feedings" when he is all grown up.