Fireworks also appear in two T'Choupi DVD's. Our new one and current favorite, the full-length film (!) Le Mystère les Jouets (The Toy Mystery) has fireworks (and T'Choupi singing) at the end to celebrate T'Choupi and his friend's victory over the toy monster. And, in the episode Le premier bal (the first dance), fireworks and T'Choupi singing (yes, again) to show that he can sing if not dance. Luka likes these fireworks a lot too. Oh, and let's not forget the fireworks T'Choupi sees with his Papi (grandpa) in the book T'Choupi dans la nuit. (An aside: the author of T'Choupi seems keen on fireworks, doesn't he? He also seems to love the gouter (snack time) - or is that just a French thing in general?)
Lastly, here are some fireworks in real life! Friday, Reynald's company gave out tickets for the last fireworks game of the season at Denver's Coors Stadium. The Rockies lost but we and particularly Luka had a fabulous time. He danced a lot to the blaring music and flirted with some college girls behind us. He is already a ladies man - always seeking out the chicks (young or old).
We were in the Rock Pile (cheap seats) which is very desirable for fireworks games because if you are sitting there, for the display, you get to go down onto the ball field (with 10,000 other people) after the ball game is over. Lying flat on your back on a blanket with the fireworks bursting in air right above you is an experience to be had. Luka covered his ears the whole time, but was wide-eyed the entire time. He told me today that he wanted to go to another baseball game. I am sure we will. but we'll have to wait till next season.
Update - October 11, 2005
Today while sitting at his place at the table, Luka was playing with his "guys" or his "copains". These included Shrek, Fiona, Baby Donkey, Mama Donkey, baby gorilla, mommy gorilla, green frog, petit poussin, etc. He had all his buddies lay down on their backs on the table as if they were looking skyward. He told me they were all watching the "feu d'artifice"!! That kid has a good memory!