For now, Luka and Axel wish you a very happy Halloween!

The Bodeux family's adventures. Okay, it is mostly about the kids - Luka and Axel - but sometimes, we (Eve & Reynald) may want to share our own escapades too.
Saturday, October 15th we celebrated Luka's 3rd birthday party at the Denver Firefighters Museum ( with 11 of his "closest" friends. :) 4 kids from school were able to come (Josh, Zane, Faith and Kristin) and Kristin's sister, Megan, and then our friends' kids: André, Melanie, Joel, Liam, Tristan, Ada. We had a Spiderman cake, which was VERY important as Luka had been talking about it for weeks. It had a cool toy on top too of Spiderman duking it out with Dr. Octopus that he has been playing with since too. We had vanilla ice cream and apple juice. The kids ate first and then they played on the fire truck and tried on fire gear (just their size). They also got to slide down a pole. Luka got to do it first since he was the birthday boy and he just ran over there, he was so excited. They kids also liked playing with the computers that had special fire games on them - dress the fireman or whatever. There were also some firetrucks and phone toys (call 911!). The party lasted 2 hours. I thought it would be too short, but it was just right. When the kids left, they each got fire hats. They were really nice and much heavier than the ones you normally get for kids at a fire education function. Luka also got nice presents from his friends that we opened at home the next day. He got a really neat dinosaur set, a fire truck, a big snake, a fun Snoopy Halloween coloring book and lots of other great stuff. It was funny because at first he said, "Mommy, these presents are for Axel" because Axel has been getting so many gifts (to celebrate his birth). Boy, was he thrilled when he found out they were his! :) He also got to open a gift later that arrived from Grandma. A fun little tractor he gets to build and then play with. A very fun birthday! Our little man is already three!