Weight: 30-1/4 pounds
Height: 36 inches (3 feet)
3 feet high means he can go on the "big" kid rides at Elitch's (if he even wants to, that is)! 3 years old and 30 pounds means he can do the climbing wall at REI!
His friends at school:
Kristin (and her older sister Megan)

Zane ... and others
A funny story from swim class:
Luka takes swim class on Tues and Thurs, with usually one other little boy. Last time, we mentioned that Luka's birthday had been the day before. It turned out Connor's was the same date and year! He was also three. Then, his mom and I talked and it turned out that Luka and Connor are in the same class at their school. The moms hadn't even known they knew each other - ha ha. The kids confirmed they were in class together. Funny. No wonder they got along so well!