Axel is still showing signs of reflux, but it is getting better. He has some days where he hardly spits up at all. Then, others he seems very uncomfortable and barfs a lot. :( But, I think it is getting better. Hope so - poor little man!
He is getting more alert and smiley. Earlier today at music class, he was very alert - the teacher commented on it - and also very smiley. He had a good time, I guess! He stays awake now for longer stretches at a time, but is still a good day time sleeper. And, he still seems to get tired in early/mid evening and recognize that night time is sleep time, so that is very positive.
He is not sleeping through the night, but does a good 4 - 5 hours at the first stretch and then 1 - 2 hour stretches after that. We just moved the rocking chair from Luka's room to our room so I can sit up and rock him at night and then put him back in his bed. That worked pretty well. That way, I can sleep better because not curled up around him/trying to protect him, etc. It worked pretty well the first night. A littl harder on me, because I can't go back to sleep sitting up, obviously, but that is the point: he goes back to bed sooner!
He does not like the car lately. For no (apparent) reason, he wkill often scream when he gets put into his car seat. Sometimes, taking off right away will solve this, but not always, and we often have to stop and console/feed him and take him out for a few minutes. Sometimes just cuddling does the trick and he goes back. Other times, he wants to eat or whatever.
Today, at music class, two of the moms said to me (unprompted)that he looks exactly like me. Ha ha! If people know Reynald, they say they are "twins" (like Luka and Reynald too), but he must look like a Lindemuth too. I see the Lindemuth boys in him (my brothers). So, all the past generations get represented one way or another. :)