Luka helping out with friendly cow - used to wipe little mouths
We just finished introducing Axel to his first taste of solid food. (We being me, Luka and our friendly cow friend for wiping Axel's mouth - see photos.)
Organic rice cereal mixed with mommy's breast milk - yum! Actually, it did not go over that well, and he is right now in the process of getting his milk straight fron the source! :) But, he will get used to it soon enough. Another try tonight.
Update Friday, January 27, 2006
Today we tried solid food again and Axel was into it and ate all his rice cereal/milk mixture. Go, Axel! Soon, I will have to go to Wild Oats and get him some organic baby veggies!
Update Again
Sunday, January 29, 2006: We have now added (baby food) sweet potatoes to Axel's repertoire. He seemed to like them! It is bittersweet--he is becoming a big boy! Stay small! Stay small! :)
Tuesday, January 31, 2006: He didn't really like sweet potatoes in the end and he kept spitting them out the second and third time I tried. So, I tried peas and he seems to like those so far (two times). Let's hear it for peas!
Tuesday, February 7, 2006: Today we added carrots to his repertoire. He seemed to love them! And, I think he was kind of hungry. He opened his mouth right away when I popped the top of the baby food jar and spooned some out. He then proceeded to eat the entire jar! Yum, yum!