Today, we participated in the Oatmeal 5K in Lafayette, CO with our friends, Ann, Cameron and Jessie. Luka had a blast with Jessie and they ran half of the 5K before getting in the strollers (where Axel already was)! They did great and I even made them special bibs (see photo) that people liked; they'd clap when the kids would go by, or yell out, "Go, Runner Boy! Go, Runner Boy!" They also kept each other going. "I want to run with Jessie!"
I (Eve) and Cameron were the ones with the official bibs, so sacrificing for our kids ;) we had really bad finish times. Hee hee. (We were very last several times, but when the kids finally got in the strollers, we caught up a bit--just a bit I'd say--but hey, we let our kids run instead of making them stay in the strollers the whole way!). Reynald did the race "for real" and was 56th out of 1491, with a time of 20:57. Not bad.
It was very fun and the kids had a good time with the rest of us.
Here are Luka (3 years old) and Jessie (4 years old) before the race began. What a team!