Tuesday, February 21, 2006

French Rock Star Jean-Louis Aubert & other Famous French Visitors to Denver

We saw Jean-Louis Aubert last year in Denver in March and even got our pictures taken with him after the show and talked to him and his entourage--and talented backup guitar player. Being French expat(s) has its perks in getting to meet really famous people up close that we'd never be able to get near in France. (That includes Julien Clerc with whom Eve had dinner and Reynald drove his band around town (he was very gracious and looks very young for his age), Jack Higelin with whom we ate a midnight dinner with, along with his entourage, at My Brother's Bar (he was an amazing musician but kind of a weirdo), director Alain Mottet who Eve took to a Rockies baseball game (he said it was his dream to attend an American baseball game--how could I deny him?), Bernard Lavilliers, and director Claude Lelouch, and former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (even in English, his speech is very aristocratic--not like Geo Bush II, I'd say).

Turns out Aubert made a mini-documentary of his trip to Denver that is on his recently-turned platinum CD in France. The ablum is called Ideal Standard and you can find it on Amazon.

Check out this article in the Denver Post about the album and Aubert's take on Denver.

Also, go here to see our pictures with him. I was just beginning to show being pregnant with Axel.

In this picture, Eve is on far left.
In this one, Reynald is far left.
And here, it is just Reynald and JL Aubert!

When Reynald's cousin Fabien saw these pictures on our website, he emailed me and said the guy with Reynald looked just JL Aubert, and was it really him?!

Luka was really into JL Aubert after this concert (even though he didn't go). He liked the autographed poster, and any time the CD came on, he'd say (in French), "That's Jean-Louis Aubert!" Then, when we were in France in November, we saw him on the equivalent on French MTV while looking in the electronics section at the store Auchan, and he was very excited (me too!).