Friday, May 12, 2006

Axel Says "Mama"

Today, Axel said "Mama" for the first time! I was making some puffs with artichoke/spinach filling and a raspberrty clafouti to get ready to some friends' for dinner (Reynald' wine-making friend from work). Luka was helping me cook ;) and Axel was eating cheese in his high chair. Luka said, "Mommy! Axe is calling you!" I thought so too--that he was saying it to me, rather than just saying the sounds (though it is the first time he made that particular sound as well).

I'd say his first real word then, might be "ma ma" but he did say the "da da" sound first--which he loves to say, as a matter of fact. He looooooves to say "da da da" and say it again and again and giggle and be proud while he is doing it. Now he is having fun with both, but I'd say, that "da da da" is still the predominant sound when he "talks".