I have never been that great a fan of Safeway. (It was not the greatest store to shop at in Alaska growing up, and it was not that great in VA or CO either, in my experience). However, with their "makeovers" they have become updated and more interesting and there are always less people there than King Soopers, so that is a plus.
But, the latest thing that I think is a great assett about Safeway is that they have a very competitive line of their own organic products. It is competitively priced and so far what I have tried is good quality.
Today, I was impressed that they had organic ketchup in this brand, which so far no other grocery store that is not "health food" store has had locally. They also have a good selection of frozen organic veggies and fruit and French fries. We traditionally have gotten Alexia brand organic fries in large quantity from Costco, but they don't always have the kind we prefer (traditional crinkly fries). Safeway also has organic milk which is reasonably priced and other things.
(Now for the editoralizing....you can skip this part if you just wanted to the low down on Safeway's organics. :)
I suppose this is the beginning of the "corporate coopting" of organics, which is good or bad, depending on how you view it. But, as long as it is really organic and adheres to what that should really mean (USDA certified organic or similar), I think long-term, this is good for consumers, despite mourning the loss of some of the power the smaller farmer has regained with the rising deman for organics.
Newspaper or other articles often mention that Wal-Mart is getting into organics in a "big way" and this will profoundly change pricing and distrubition in this area, but do you think Wal-Marts core customers really care? Maybe Wal-Mart is trying to get at the more "affluent" market who values organics, but I really hate Wal-Mart and I am sure that a lot of the "new customers" they want to get with the move toward organics do too.
Why do I hate them? For all the cliched reasons: they squeeze prices down but have crappy products, they won't pay for workers' insurance but force the public systems to pick up the tab, blah blah blah.... But, mostly I hate shopping there because it is a big ugly warehouse and (snob that I am, I guess) I just think it is a creepy place to shop with scary people shopping there.
Articles and "the media" talk about how "everyone" shops there, but I can tell you, I only go there two or three times a year if I really have to and I would be glad if that store fell off the face of the earth. Also, I think it is absurd to say that we all want the cheapest possible prices at the bigger cost that Wal-Mart enforces (a favorite theme of news articles on Wal-Mart): terrible labor practices, crappy products that are cheap-o, and an unfriendly shopping environment. If I can (which of cousre I can, I can choose as any consumer can, where to spend my money), I would always choose to spend my money elsewhere, even if it costs a little more.
How did this discussion become an anti-Wal-Mart rant? Well, it is not like I love the Safeway corporation, but they seem more palatable than Wal-Mart and not disgusting to shop in, in any case. So, whether Wal-Mart has organics or not, I will not be dashing out the door to shop there. But, you should give Safeway a try for more reasonably priced organic products.,
The Bodeux family's adventures. Okay, it is mostly about the kids - Luka and Axel - but sometimes, we (Eve & Reynald) may want to share our own escapades too.
Monday, August 28, 2006
PA Trip: Axel and Mommy
Axel and Mommy (me) took a trip to PA to help Grandma (my mom) close down my grandparents' house since they are both gone now. Highlights of our trip:
- Everyone thinking what a sweet little man Axel is (and they are right--he is the champion traveler and my little easy going man).
- Axel going to Mom right away--recognizing her from his trip to AK in June: outstretched arms to have her take him from Mommy upon arrival.
- Visiting Knoebel's (me, Mom, Axel) and going on the small merry go round (he did not like it), and the big train (he liked that one!). Eating ice cream there--Eve had peach/vanilla twist (soft) and Mom had choc/vanilla twist. Axel did not want any (he has the right idea ;)
- Visiting Oakland/Susquehanna to visit with Freida and Bob (great mac and cheese dinner and good conversation) and then a nice visit with Frederick and Bettty. Seeing Mom's house that she was born in, and her school when she was little. This was before the move to Indiana (PA).
- Visiting Lebanon Valley College and seeing a favorite professor and his wife, doing some other "business" related to fundraising, and donating some of Dearma's organ music to their organ program. (But not the part about running out of gas on Intersate 81! though that turned out okay too.)
- Giving away Dearma's muisc (organ, piano, voice, chorale, recorder, violin, etc.) to people who will use and appreciate it. There was A LOT of it (stacks and stacks and thousands of dollars!) and also keeping some ourselves (Mom and Laura, mostly).
- Going through Dearma and Popop's house and taking a few souvenirs and savoring our last time in their house where we spent our lives going. I have my own memories there, but Mom's go deeper emotionally and further back in time.
- Axel's friends next door (Emmy and Dylan) who helped us by baby sitting him a few times. He had fun playing with them and we had more time to do our "work".
- Driving our cool rental car (Mazda5) -- or at least cool to a mom of two who usually gets boring rental cars. Thanks, Priceline.com!
- Eating Mom's bread pudding.
- Seeing Tresa, Jan and families along with Butch and Mabel at Carly's birthday weenie roast, which we happened upon.
- Going downtown Danville and having fun visiting the Beiter's store, as well as other places.
- Our dinner at the Town Perk in Bloomsburg and Axel's love affair with our waiter. And, of course, their Treasure Chest and the fun zebra book he got from it.
- Seeing Karen L. and her parents when we arrived in Hburg before driving north.
- Getting up at 2:30 a.m. for the drive to make our plane for the trip back home out of Harrisburg airport (okay, that was not fun per se, but not too bad, and it was memorable).
- Coming home to Luka and Papa! And, Axel's happy face (a sweet crinkly smile around his nose when he realized he was again with his beloved Papa and brother!).
- Everyone thinking what a sweet little man Axel is (and they are right--he is the champion traveler and my little easy going man).
- Axel going to Mom right away--recognizing her from his trip to AK in June: outstretched arms to have her take him from Mommy upon arrival.
- Visiting Knoebel's (me, Mom, Axel) and going on the small merry go round (he did not like it), and the big train (he liked that one!). Eating ice cream there--Eve had peach/vanilla twist (soft) and Mom had choc/vanilla twist. Axel did not want any (he has the right idea ;)
- Visiting Oakland/Susquehanna to visit with Freida and Bob (great mac and cheese dinner and good conversation) and then a nice visit with Frederick and Bettty. Seeing Mom's house that she was born in, and her school when she was little. This was before the move to Indiana (PA).
- Visiting Lebanon Valley College and seeing a favorite professor and his wife, doing some other "business" related to fundraising, and donating some of Dearma's organ music to their organ program. (But not the part about running out of gas on Intersate 81! though that turned out okay too.)
- Giving away Dearma's muisc (organ, piano, voice, chorale, recorder, violin, etc.) to people who will use and appreciate it. There was A LOT of it (stacks and stacks and thousands of dollars!) and also keeping some ourselves (Mom and Laura, mostly).
- Going through Dearma and Popop's house and taking a few souvenirs and savoring our last time in their house where we spent our lives going. I have my own memories there, but Mom's go deeper emotionally and further back in time.
- Axel's friends next door (Emmy and Dylan) who helped us by baby sitting him a few times. He had fun playing with them and we had more time to do our "work".
- Driving our cool rental car (Mazda5) -- or at least cool to a mom of two who usually gets boring rental cars. Thanks, Priceline.com!
- Eating Mom's bread pudding.
- Seeing Tresa, Jan and families along with Butch and Mabel at Carly's birthday weenie roast, which we happened upon.
- Going downtown Danville and having fun visiting the Beiter's store, as well as other places.
- Our dinner at the Town Perk in Bloomsburg and Axel's love affair with our waiter. And, of course, their Treasure Chest and the fun zebra book he got from it.
- Seeing Karen L. and her parents when we arrived in Hburg before driving north.
- Getting up at 2:30 a.m. for the drive to make our plane for the trip back home out of Harrisburg airport (okay, that was not fun per se, but not too bad, and it was memorable).
- Coming home to Luka and Papa! And, Axel's happy face (a sweet crinkly smile around his nose when he realized he was again with his beloved Papa and brother!).
Luka and Sharing
Luka defines "sharing" as "everyone else has to give me their stuff, but I can take all their toys/books/food, etc. from them or they are not sharing with me!" I guess all 3 and 4 year olds feel like that. But, it is funny to see the self-centered logic. :)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Axel's favorite books
Axel's favorite books are currently:
- Qu'est-ce qui fait Bêê ? A fun little story about a little sheep who tries to find others like him, and meets various other animals along the way. It has sections for Axel to touch like the sheep's wool, cat's whiskers, silk flowers, bunny's fur, etc. Axel loves it! This was a gift from one of our French relatives.
- Baby Einstein's Language Nursery book. This one was a gift from Cathy when Luka was a baby. He liked it a lot too. Each page has a simple image (duck, star, cow, bear, lamb, flower, train) and then has some phrase in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese and Hebrew. For example, "This is a cow ~ C'est une vache." I always just read the French. Though sometimes the Japanese is fun to pronounce (Konnichi wa!). The best part of the book is the last page where there is a mirror and we get to say, "Je m'appelle...Axel!" (My name is Axel!) and show him the mirror. He gets really excited every time. What fun!
- Qu'est-ce qui fait Bêê ? A fun little story about a little sheep who tries to find others like him, and meets various other animals along the way. It has sections for Axel to touch like the sheep's wool, cat's whiskers, silk flowers, bunny's fur, etc. Axel loves it! This was a gift from one of our French relatives.
- Baby Einstein's Language Nursery book. This one was a gift from Cathy when Luka was a baby. He liked it a lot too. Each page has a simple image (duck, star, cow, bear, lamb, flower, train) and then has some phrase in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese and Hebrew. For example, "This is a cow ~ C'est une vache." I always just read the French. Though sometimes the Japanese is fun to pronounce (Konnichi wa!). The best part of the book is the last page where there is a mirror and we get to say, "Je m'appelle...Axel!" (My name is Axel!) and show him the mirror. He gets really excited every time. What fun!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Movie: Axel & Luka Summer 2006
Go here to see the movie I made on JumpCut of Axel and Luka.
This is my first try, so I Have not totally figured it out, so click on the "Play" button if you only see the main title and black background. Then, it will start.
You will see: Luka on bucking salmon, Axel laughing, Luka fishing, and Axel's birthday!
This is my first try, so I Have not totally figured it out, so click on the "Play" button if you only see the main title and black background. Then, it will start.
You will see: Luka on bucking salmon, Axel laughing, Luka fishing, and Axel's birthday!
Axel's 1st Birthday!
Axel had a great birthday and birthday party: August 6, 2006: He was one year old! He took a nap until 2:30, unconcerned that the guests were arriving at 1:30 p.m. Some guests inquired at to where the man of the day was, but understood that he needed his beauty sleep.
He woke up to see all these people at his house! And, a giant cake (bouncy "castle")! He ate some mac and cheese and fruit, and then was ready for some cake action! See photos below. Everyone sang to him twice - in English and then in French.
There was a chocolate raspberry Winnie the Pooh cake that he and the the other kids (led by Luka) admired very much (not being able to resist putting their fingers in it earlier! But, no real damage done :) There were also some "adult" cakes from Wild Oats and they turned out to be very good, including: a carmel apple cheesecake, a "down home" chocolate cake, lemon tarts, and a rustic fruit tart.
We had lots of friends come to celebrate with us.
Luka and his friends had fun in the bouncy castle and the kids seemed to like the "goodie bags" that Luka and I had prepared the night before: crazy straw, fruit candies, tatoos (of course), rings for the rings and frogs for the boys. What fun.
Axel went in the bouncy castle a few times with Mommy and/or Papa, but was not crazy about it. He'd had a big day and was more interested in crawling around on the lawn or checking out Papa's camping chair.
All in all, a very successful party to celebrate our littlest man!
See some photos below.
He woke up to see all these people at his house! And, a giant cake (bouncy "castle")! He ate some mac and cheese and fruit, and then was ready for some cake action! See photos below. Everyone sang to him twice - in English and then in French.
There was a chocolate raspberry Winnie the Pooh cake that he and the the other kids (led by Luka) admired very much (not being able to resist putting their fingers in it earlier! But, no real damage done :) There were also some "adult" cakes from Wild Oats and they turned out to be very good, including: a carmel apple cheesecake, a "down home" chocolate cake, lemon tarts, and a rustic fruit tart.
We had lots of friends come to celebrate with us.
Luka and his friends had fun in the bouncy castle and the kids seemed to like the "goodie bags" that Luka and I had prepared the night before: crazy straw, fruit candies, tatoos (of course), rings for the rings and frogs for the boys. What fun.
Axel went in the bouncy castle a few times with Mommy and/or Papa, but was not crazy about it. He'd had a big day and was more interested in crawling around on the lawn or checking out Papa's camping chair.
All in all, a very successful party to celebrate our littlest man!
See some photos below.
Axel Birthday Prince!
No - I don't want it! I am the birthday boy and can stick in my cake if I want!
Mmm - that IS good!
Little Explorer
Luka in Bouncy Castle Heaven
The bouncy castle - or in this case, "cake"!
Winnie the Pooh cake!

Birthday plate made by Mommy
Luka's Thoughts on Getting Older
Lately Luka has been reflecting on the "benefits" of getting "older." Often, when confronted with something he cannot (or is not allowed) to do, he says, "When I turn 4, I can do that." It seems that for him, being 4 (which several of his friends are already, and he will turn in October) represents being all knowing and all doing (in other words, an adult?). I hope he is not too disappointed when he does turn 4, and the world does not change dramatically. :)
Axel just turned one yesterday, and overnight, he started walking, talking in full sentences, and running around. Ha ha. Just kidding. His favorite word is still "Done" which he says for pretty much everything. But, he says it very clearly!
Axel just turned one yesterday, and overnight, he started walking, talking in full sentences, and running around. Ha ha. Just kidding. His favorite word is still "Done" which he says for pretty much everything. But, he says it very clearly!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Alaska Trip: June 16 - July 5, 2006
We were too busy having fun to be able to post to our blog during our almost three-week long trip. So, retroactively, here are some of the highlights (see below bullet points for pictures):
Luka and Smokey the Bear at Portage Glacier Visitor Center

- Charlie and Mona's wedding (we just missed it by hours, but the pictures are gorgeous and they are the very happy, newly-wedded couple!)
- Axel's baptism on Sunday, June 18th (Father's Day) at First Presbyterian Church at 10th and G street in Anchorage.
- The baptism was followed by a lovely lunch of gourmet sandwiches, organic green salad, tabouleh, and very tasty European-style cakes: grand marnier and chocoloate raspberry truffle and French champagne (of course). Kiddies (and anyone who wanted one) got ice cream sandwiches. Charles and Mona shared sparkling cider, very nice cutlery, napkins and plates from the wedding service.
- Hanging out with the Alaska gang: Charles and Mona, Vernon and Tammy and kids + the new baby: Baby Vernon!; Paul and Jahna and Kids; Helen; Laura and Joan.
- Hanging out with the other visitors from across the US: Steve and Angela (NE); Aunt Carol (NC); Uncle Butch and Mabel (PA); Aunt Mary, Dennis, Andy and Shelby (MA); us (CO); Jim, Dianna, Emma and Julia (TX but on their way to CA).
- Our Denali Trip with Jim and Di and the girls: riding the school bus into the park (and, of course, Luka and Emma entertaining each other), seeing the mama grizzly with her two cubs, our great cabins, gorgeous vistas, hiking around with the kids, eating at the salmon bake, our stop in Talkeetna, and more.
- Mom's 70th birthday party blow out: we can't believe she is 70 either, but there you have it! Time does march on. Our gorgeous, energetic, inspiring Mom and Grandma! Would that we will all be so lucky and look and act like her on our 70th!
- The desserts at Mom's 70th birthday blow out: birthday cake by the Cake Lady, strawberry cake by Super Mommy (that would be Tammy), peach cobbler by Auntie Laura, Lintzer torte (almond and raspberry) supplied by Auntie Helen (from Flying Dutchman), rhubarb pie by Uncle Charlie (from their garden). (I didn't make the clafoutis for this, but it was a big hit during our visit and we made it several times. Here is the recipe.)
- Indian dinner extravaganza orchestrated by Jim and his disciples (in this case, that would be Laura and Angela), with the all-important naan bread brought by Helen.
- Hiking the Winner Creek Trail with 22+ of us--littlest kids to "big kids"--and doing the hand tram! Very exciting! Axel wasn't scared, but Mommy was! Luka went across with Auntie Mona and was a real champ! See an article that appeared about this fun trail in the Anchroage Daily News (local paper) a few weeks after we did our hike.
- Kid concerts in Uncle Paul's basement after get togethers: Luka performing very seriously on the little whistle, Col on drums, Paul E on guitar, dancing by Julia, Lauren and Kathleen. Priceless.
- The hilarity ensuing from pictures taken with Vernon's iMac's PhotoBooth. We need an iMac!
- Having dinner with Cathy and Dolly at Dolly's new, gorgeous house in South Anchorage.
- Mosquitos biting us.
- Eating Mom's (Joan's) homemade pancakes with wild AK blueberries. Divine.
- Eating Wildberry candies at the down town store (very yummy, but if I had to choose, I'd pick Mom's pancakes).
- Luka dealing with it being light all the time. Once, at 10 p.m. with sun streaming in his (Auntie Helen's) bedroom window, he was convinced to go to sleep because Papa, who was then back in CO, was already asleep. So, it was okay then.
- 4th of July pancake breakfast with Auntie Laura, Luka, Mommy and Axel on the Park Strip. From her bed (actually, Auntie Helen's bed, thanks, Helen!) Eve heard the rescue helicopter that we could visit during the celebration land at 5:30 a.m. It was LOUD!!!!!! The helicopter was from the AK Air National Guard and is used in some very daring rescues! Go, guys!
- The 4th of July parade. Lots of Anchorage communities represented. The Iraq vet with two legs amputated deserved the ovation he got.
- Luka doing the bucking, mechanical salmon at the 4th of July celebration. Go, Luka, go!
- A relaxed 4th of July BBQ at Uncle Charlie and Aunt Mona's with master grilling by Charles and fabulous hosting by Mona. Three perfect little girl friends to entertain Luka, with Axel the Monster Baby and Mommy the Monster chasing them (and all the other adults too with Axel in front). Hilarious for all involved. It turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day.
- Fireworks the Anchorage way - at midnight, but it is still light out. The fireworks looked great against the backdrop of the Chugach Mountains.
- Seeing my friend Michaella and her family our last day in the morning.
- Taking the flight home with the kids on the red eye. Even though I never slept (Reynald had left the week before), they were both very good little travelers. I think I may just take them again!
☺For more info on our trip, check out Steven and Angela's blog.
☺For pictures see below and also visit our family website for AK pics and others.
Charles and Mona wedding - June 16, 2006
Mom and Kids at wedding
Happy Axel Man after his baptism
Luka and Smokey the Bear at Portage Glacier Visitor Center

Axel, Reynald, Julia, Jim - Denali National Park - Toklat River stop

Emma and Julia - Denali trip

Mom on her 70th Birthday!

Pretty much the whole Lindemuth gang at Mom's birthday party:
Back row - L to R: Baby Vernon, Tammy, Vernon, Paul, Andy, Dennis, Mona, Charles, Laura, Steven, Butch, Julia, Jim
Middle: Reynald holding Axel, Eve, Mom the birthday girl (Joan), Angela, Aunt Mary, Mabel
Bottom: Kathleen, Paul, Col, Elias, Luka in Shelby's lap, Emma in Amanda's lap, Lauren, Helen, Dianna, Aunt Carol
Missing: Jahna

Dianna, Axel, Eve on hand tram!

Luka, the alien (thanks iPhotoBooth!)

Mommy and Axel in Andy Warhol mode - (thanks again, iPhotoBooth!)
Luka cutie man in Auntie Helen's funky ski hat (a gift from Mommy/Eve)
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