Monday, August 28, 2006

PA Trip: Axel and Mommy

Axel and Mommy (me) took a trip to PA to help Grandma (my mom) close down my grandparents' house since they are both gone now. Highlights of our trip:

- Everyone thinking what a sweet little man Axel is (and they are right--he is the champion traveler and my little easy going man).
- Axel going to Mom right away--recognizing her from his trip to AK in June: outstretched arms to have her take him from Mommy upon arrival.
- Visiting Knoebel's (me, Mom, Axel) and going on the small merry go round (he did not like it), and the big train (he liked that one!). Eating ice cream there--Eve had peach/vanilla twist (soft) and Mom had choc/vanilla twist. Axel did not want any (he has the right idea ;)
- Visiting Oakland/Susquehanna to visit with Freida and Bob (great mac and cheese dinner and good conversation) and then a nice visit with Frederick and Bettty. Seeing Mom's house that she was born in, and her school when she was little. This was before the move to Indiana (PA).
- Visiting Lebanon Valley College and seeing a favorite professor and his wife, doing some other "business" related to fundraising, and donating some of Dearma's organ music to their organ program. (But not the part about running out of gas on Intersate 81! though that turned out okay too.)
- Giving away Dearma's muisc (organ, piano, voice, chorale, recorder, violin, etc.) to people who will use and appreciate it. There was A LOT of it (stacks and stacks and thousands of dollars!) and also keeping some ourselves (Mom and Laura, mostly).
- Going through Dearma and Popop's house and taking a few souvenirs and savoring our last time in their house where we spent our lives going. I have my own memories there, but Mom's go deeper emotionally and further back in time.
- Axel's friends next door (Emmy and Dylan) who helped us by baby sitting him a few times. He had fun playing with them and we had more time to do our "work".
- Driving our cool rental car (Mazda5) -- or at least cool to a mom of two who usually gets boring rental cars. Thanks,!
- Eating Mom's bread pudding.
- Seeing Tresa, Jan and families along with Butch and Mabel at Carly's birthday weenie roast, which we happened upon.
- Going downtown Danville and having fun visiting the Beiter's store, as well as other places.
- Our dinner at the Town Perk in Bloomsburg and Axel's love affair with our waiter. And, of course, their Treasure Chest and the fun zebra book he got from it.
- Seeing Karen L. and her parents when we arrived in Hburg before driving north.
- Getting up at 2:30 a.m. for the drive to make our plane for the trip back home out of Harrisburg airport (okay, that was not fun per se, but not too bad, and it was memorable).
- Coming home to Luka and Papa! And, Axel's happy face (a sweet crinkly smile around his nose when he realized he was again with his beloved Papa and brother!).