We were too busy having fun to be able to post to our blog during our almost three-week long trip. So, retroactively, here are some of the highlights (see below bullet points for pictures):
Luka and Smokey the Bear at Portage Glacier Visitor Center

- Charlie and Mona's wedding (we just missed it by hours, but the pictures are gorgeous and they are the very happy, newly-wedded couple!)
- Axel's baptism on Sunday, June 18th (Father's Day) at First Presbyterian Church at 10th and G street in Anchorage.
- The baptism was followed by a lovely lunch of gourmet sandwiches, organic green salad, tabouleh, and very tasty European-style cakes: grand marnier and chocoloate raspberry truffle and French champagne (of course). Kiddies (and anyone who wanted one) got ice cream sandwiches. Charles and Mona shared sparkling cider, very nice cutlery, napkins and plates from the wedding service.
- Hanging out with the Alaska gang: Charles and Mona, Vernon and Tammy and kids + the new baby: Baby Vernon!; Paul and Jahna and Kids; Helen; Laura and Joan.
- Hanging out with the other visitors from across the US: Steve and Angela (NE); Aunt Carol (NC); Uncle Butch and Mabel (PA); Aunt Mary, Dennis, Andy and Shelby (MA); us (CO); Jim, Dianna, Emma and Julia (TX but on their way to CA).
- Our Denali Trip with Jim and Di and the girls: riding the school bus into the park (and, of course, Luka and Emma entertaining each other), seeing the mama grizzly with her two cubs, our great cabins, gorgeous vistas, hiking around with the kids, eating at the salmon bake, our stop in Talkeetna, and more.
- Mom's 70th birthday party blow out: we can't believe she is 70 either, but there you have it! Time does march on. Our gorgeous, energetic, inspiring Mom and Grandma! Would that we will all be so lucky and look and act like her on our 70th!
- The desserts at Mom's 70th birthday blow out: birthday cake by the Cake Lady, strawberry cake by Super Mommy (that would be Tammy), peach cobbler by Auntie Laura, Lintzer torte (almond and raspberry) supplied by Auntie Helen (from Flying Dutchman), rhubarb pie by Uncle Charlie (from their garden). (I didn't make the clafoutis for this, but it was a big hit during our visit and we made it several times. Here is the recipe.)
- Indian dinner extravaganza orchestrated by Jim and his disciples (in this case, that would be Laura and Angela), with the all-important naan bread brought by Helen.
- Hiking the Winner Creek Trail with 22+ of us--littlest kids to "big kids"--and doing the hand tram! Very exciting! Axel wasn't scared, but Mommy was! Luka went across with Auntie Mona and was a real champ! See an article that appeared about this fun trail in the Anchroage Daily News (local paper) a few weeks after we did our hike.
- Kid concerts in Uncle Paul's basement after get togethers: Luka performing very seriously on the little whistle, Col on drums, Paul E on guitar, dancing by Julia, Lauren and Kathleen. Priceless.
- The hilarity ensuing from pictures taken with Vernon's iMac's PhotoBooth. We need an iMac!
- Having dinner with Cathy and Dolly at Dolly's new, gorgeous house in South Anchorage.
- Mosquitos biting us.
- Eating Mom's (Joan's) homemade pancakes with wild AK blueberries. Divine.
- Eating Wildberry candies at the down town store (very yummy, but if I had to choose, I'd pick Mom's pancakes).
- Luka dealing with it being light all the time. Once, at 10 p.m. with sun streaming in his (Auntie Helen's) bedroom window, he was convinced to go to sleep because Papa, who was then back in CO, was already asleep. So, it was okay then.
- 4th of July pancake breakfast with Auntie Laura, Luka, Mommy and Axel on the Park Strip. From her bed (actually, Auntie Helen's bed, thanks, Helen!) Eve heard the rescue helicopter that we could visit during the celebration land at 5:30 a.m. It was LOUD!!!!!! The helicopter was from the AK Air National Guard and is used in some very daring rescues! Go, guys!
- The 4th of July parade. Lots of Anchorage communities represented. The Iraq vet with two legs amputated deserved the ovation he got.
- Luka doing the bucking, mechanical salmon at the 4th of July celebration. Go, Luka, go!
- A relaxed 4th of July BBQ at Uncle Charlie and Aunt Mona's with master grilling by Charles and fabulous hosting by Mona. Three perfect little girl friends to entertain Luka, with Axel the Monster Baby and Mommy the Monster chasing them (and all the other adults too with Axel in front). Hilarious for all involved. It turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day.
- Fireworks the Anchorage way - at midnight, but it is still light out. The fireworks looked great against the backdrop of the Chugach Mountains.
- Seeing my friend Michaella and her family our last day in the morning.
- Taking the flight home with the kids on the red eye. Even though I never slept (Reynald had left the week before), they were both very good little travelers. I think I may just take them again!
☺For more info on our trip, check out Steven and Angela's blog.
☺For pictures see below and also visit our family website for AK pics and others.
Charles and Mona wedding - June 16, 2006
Mom and Kids at wedding
Happy Axel Man after his baptism
Luka and Smokey the Bear at Portage Glacier Visitor Center

Axel, Reynald, Julia, Jim - Denali National Park - Toklat River stop

Emma and Julia - Denali trip

Mom on her 70th Birthday!

Pretty much the whole Lindemuth gang at Mom's birthday party:
Back row - L to R: Baby Vernon, Tammy, Vernon, Paul, Andy, Dennis, Mona, Charles, Laura, Steven, Butch, Julia, Jim
Middle: Reynald holding Axel, Eve, Mom the birthday girl (Joan), Angela, Aunt Mary, Mabel
Bottom: Kathleen, Paul, Col, Elias, Luka in Shelby's lap, Emma in Amanda's lap, Lauren, Helen, Dianna, Aunt Carol
Missing: Jahna

Dianna, Axel, Eve on hand tram!

Luka, the alien (thanks iPhotoBooth!)

Mommy and Axel in Andy Warhol mode - (thanks again, iPhotoBooth!)
Luka cutie man in Auntie Helen's funky ski hat (a gift from Mommy/Eve)