Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Halloween Fun

Our current nightly ritual for the Halloween season:

After dinner when it is dark enough, we (me) light our Halloween candles (tea lights in metal "bags" that glow through images of witches, pumpkins, ghosts and bats + the candle Luka made at VBS this summer), we (me or Luka) plug in the pumpkin strings of lights hanging from the curtain rods in the living room, we (me or Luka) turn out all other lights, and then we (me) turn on our Halloween music and we (Luka, Mommy, Axel and Papa if he is home) start dancing away! Our current favs on the CD are Monster Mash, Ghost Busters and Time Warp. When we are done, Luka blows out the candles, and we go up stairs to get ready for bed (bath, books, kisses, tickling, etc.).