3 weeks and a few days to go - today is Thurs and it will be 3 weeks till D-Day (due date) on Saturday. Little man #2 seems to be healthy and happy in my tummy. I am thinking he will be like Luka and come out near his due date. Though when Luka was born, he was assessed at being 41 weeks! So, hopefully, this little guy (due date for him established by ultra sound, as opposed to Luka), won't decide to stay in a week past his due date!
Luka and I went to my (now weekly) OB appointment today. Baby's heartbeat is good and I measured 37 weeks - right on. I am getting pretty tired now, but feel good otherwise. Luka cries when they use the doppler to listen to the heartbeat and in general cries when he goes to appointments with (for) mommy. Not sure why, but I try to avoid taking him when I can...
We have a short list for #2's names, so will see what we come up with. We are leaning toward one that is pronounced (basically) the same in English and French, but is not that common in either. (Though we were surprised to see it listed as the 23rd most popular name in France!). Neither of us know anyone with this name, but both have heard it before. Well, will have to wait till the little guy comes out and see what he says his name is.