Well, new to us anyway. Did I already say in here somewhere that our Ford Escort finally gave out? What a relief. 3-1/2 years ago, the mechanic said it could die any day and we put not one dime into since then - except for one oil change - and the !#$&%* thing would not die! We had sort of started looking for another car in the last few months anyway. The Ford was (poor) Reynald's commuter car to work. Luka had only been in it a very few times (on way to airport or whatever) because it could have stopped working at anytime... And I rarely drove it either. I worried that Reynald would die in it or something though, and we'd be sorry for not shelling out for a different vehicle!
It all worked out though - finally, about three weeks ago, Reynald called me and said the deed
In any case, buying a car is always stressful and an annoying process. But, within that parameter, so far I feel okay about this one and Luka and I are having fun tooling around in it.