Friday, July 08, 2005

Luka Leads Circle Time

Today at Luka's school, when I picked him up at the end of the day, his teacher Sophie was excited to have him tell me that he led circle time. I asked if she always had the kids do it to teach them how to be up in front of a group. She said, no, she was just starting to do that though to see if they enjoyed it more if one of their own led the group, and Luka was the first one! She is very nice and is always enthusiastic about him. She said he did an awesome job, up in the "leader's chair" and sang his ABC's (in English) and tapped out the rhythm on his knees. He then proceed to jump on the chair and show me. He did awesome! She said at circle time he then sang a song in French for them and she was really impressed. It might have been "Dansons la capucine" but I am not sure - I told her he knows so many and has lots of favorites. In any case, I was proud of my little man!