Sunday, April 23, 2006

It is time again for...Elitch's!

It is that time of year again. I can't believe that it is the third summer that Luka has gone to Elitch's (Six Flags) - the amusement park in Denver. He still likes the boats, the airplanes, the trucks and the train, and the room full of foam balls is the absolute ultimate. But, this time we added the bumper cars to his repertoire. He was big enough this year for the first time. Good idea, Reynald! I thought Luka would say no, but he was up for it. Reynald explained to him how the pedal and the steering wheel work.

It was very cute when he was going around in circles because he had never had to steer a car before and didn't quite get the hang of it. But, but the second time around, he was getting better and did some straight driving mixed in. He was very proud and wanted to go on that one again. We will catch it next time, since it rained and hailed and we had to leave soon after.

The airplanes were hilarious though. He was in a plane on his own and he refused to pull the lever forward that makes the plane go up. I was scared of climbing in those too when I was a kid, so I guess he gets it from somewhere. But, it was pretty darn funny with us yelling at him as he'd pass to pull the lever forward and him impervious to our pleas. (I told Reynald he should have told him the lever worked backwards from what it really does. In general, I don't advocate tricking your kids, but in this case, he would have seen it was not scary. Maybe next time!

We will be back in the Sept or October if not sooner, since we have free tickets for then.