Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Axel and Luka Updates

Axel is pulling himself up a bit more to stand. He is not trying to walk yet on his own, but we are trying to encourage him. Big boy car seat!Last night, he had a blast with Papa and Luka when he kept trying to pull down the curtains in the living room and Papa would playfully grab his foot to keep him from causing disaster. He has a fun time at music classes with Mommy on Wednesdays and likes all the songs and especially loves playing with all the instruments (sticks, shaker, drum, scarf). He is going through a "low growth" stage maybe, in any case, he often rejects even his most favorite foods. What is up with that?!

He went with Mommy, Sanya and Kylie to the Gymboree Play Gym last Friday and had a blast crawling around on all their fun stuff. He also likes going to our neighborhood park with Mommy when Luka is at school and playing in the tunnel, the little steps and the slide (Mommy still helps him go down).

Luka is doing well in PreK. His teachers are really nice. He loves singing English and French songs still and adores riding his bike (trike) to and from school. We read the knock-knock joke book for the first time in a long time and he loved it. He was laughing his head off. It is fun to see how his humor has changed and how he gets more and more of the jokes as he gets older. even if he doesn't totally get them all, they sound funny to him and we have a lot of fun with it.

He has a fun time playing with his neighbor friend, Grant who will be three next week. They often ride trikes together or play outside or at one of their houses (mostly at Grant's, I must admit, but sometimes here).

He is excited about his birthday party (one month away-see Luka birthday count down link to the left!) and Mommy is getting ready for the monkey-themed blow out at Gymboree Play Gym. We like that place!
Cool hiker boy