Friday, September 08, 2006

Luka Update

Luka moved to PreK today at school. Yay! I think he will like it a lot and he did well. They said he only wanted to go back to his Preschool class when they had nap (thinking he could more easily avoid it, I am sure!). He is going to go full time now (Mon - Fri). I think it will help him with the consistency, and right now, I just have too much work for him to go part-time. I think it will be easier on all of us. I am planning to get him earlier, around 3:30 every day. I usually am done working by then anyway, for the most part anyway (could always find something to do, I am sure, but have to call it a day and move on!).

He also did his presentation for show and tell, finally! Miss Desiree moved him up to PreK after he did, but wanted him to get the chance to do it before he moved up. She said that she was excited to have him do it because every other kid so far had just brought a toy. His was different, so she was happy to have him do it too. She was gone when I got to school to get him (will have to ask her later how it went) but I asked him. He said, "Mommy, the kids didn't even laugh (at what he thinks is the funny part of the ABC song)." I thought they might not (might not be funny to everyone else...;) But, it sounds like he did a good job and at least it was a good excercise for him to practice and see it through.

I just signed him up for a gymanstics class at the Broomfield Rec Center with his friend Johnny. It is 50 minutes on Thursday evenings for 5 weeks. They really liked it! Johnny's mom, Axel and I waited outside. We could watch through a big glass window. It is a nice gymastics center with all the gymnastics stuff (beyond me for the most part, but balance beam, etc.). There were a lot of girls and several classes or teams out there at once, but for Luka's class of 4 and 5 year olds, there were 3 little boys and 2 girls! So, that was great. The other little boy is also Johnny. It seemed really fun and they had a good time. Also, it being once a week seems doable and not too much then. Swimming at twice a week got a bit much for him (and therefore, for me).

Luka is very imaginative and always has some game of pretend he wants to play ("Mommy, you be a monster, Axel is the baby monster and you guys run after me making monster noise; Mommy, I am a race car and you and Axel are race cars too, etc. etc.").

Tomorrow is the Try Athlon that Cameron and I have put together for the kids. We are expecting 20 kids like 3 - 7 or so. Two lengths in the pool in Louisville, two laps around the park on bikes or trikes and two laps running. Should be a blast. Will try to post pictures. We have a log and everything: bibs for the kids, magnets for them to take home, participation ribbons, snacks, water, etc. If it goes well, next year we may try to make it an official event, not just for our friends. We will see how it goes! Luka is ready for this too! He is excited about the competition and ready to go!