Friday, September 01, 2006

Luka's ABC Show and Tell

It was Luka's turn to do Show and Tell today (a new thing for his class). The assigned theme was "Back to School." I gave him some suggestions (teach your friends some French words about school, sing ABC song in French) that were a no go. But, he liked the idea of playing his favorite song (really) for his friends at school: an ABC song with a British guy who makes a "mistake" as he firsts starts singing ("A, B,, that's not right!"). Luka finds that hilarious.

We practiced, and his presentation is supposed to go something like this:

- Hi, guys, I am going to talk about the ABC's today because ABC's are something we learn in school. (Shows his paper, protected in plastic, with the ABC's that Mommy printed from her computer in different colors)

- I am going to play my favorite ABC song for you.

- Miss Desiree, can you start the song now? (She starts the CD....)

I am wondering how it really went, and will ask the teacher later today when I pick him up. In any case, it was a good exercise for him to practice his presentation and he was excited about it.

Update: he did not get to do it at school, so the teacher said we'd try next week. I hope it works out!