When we got there (Gregory Canyon Ampitheater) Ada was starting her second climb. The climb was rated a 5.4. She looked so great! Also, it was neat to see Luka encouraging her instead of being jealous. He was saying he wanted to do it too, but he was very excited for her success and sincerely cheering her on. They really are good little buddies and a good match in the world of pre-kindgergarten dare devil sports. :)

After Ada was done, Corinne took Luka up. She was already familiar with the climb and we thought it might be better for him to have a "teacher" rather than go with one of us (less likely for him to say, "No, I don't want to, etc." to one of his parents). No danger of that as he was really into it and did an awesome job! Corinne raved about how he was a natural. :) He has been wanting to do it for a while, so I guess he knew what he wanted! She said about half way up, he turned to her, at first serious, and then broke out in a big smile and said, "I'm climbing!"
He wore Ada's climbing helmet, special kid harness and cool flame climbing shoes!
Axel and Mommy had a fun time hanging out and watching everyone (and a pretty hike to get there) and Reynald did a climb too. Dan was a trooper in belaying everyone. A nice fall day and sunny, but a bit chilly for Dan and when we were out of the sun. Axel was a sport and fell asleep on Mommy at the end. Corinne and Dan were awesome to share all their knowledge and gear with us. Thanks, you guys!

Afterward, in the car, I asked Luka who the champ climber was and he said himself (since that is what I was obviously hinting at) and was excited to add on his own "And Ada too!"
MORE PHOTOS HERE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bodeux/sets/ Then, click on the Rock Climbing set to the right to see a slide show!
What a great day!