If it is a "school" day, hope we can get ready in time for Reynald to take him without being late to work. If not (more likely than not): tell Luka to get his shoes on about 10 times. Help him if he needs it. Get his back pack, clothes for outside, make sure he has his dou dou and his blankie and sheet, make his lunch. Write check to school if it is Monday - don't forget to deposit it when dropping him off. Wrap up Axel, put him in car seat or Baby Bjorn with sunglasses, as weather dictates. Take Luka to school -walk, ride his bike or in car, as weather dictates.
If it is not a school day, it goes something like this: Luka finishes breakfast, Luka has to go to potty. Luka wants to touch/hug/kiss/pinch/hit Axel. Watch Luka like a hawk. Feed and play with Axel. Play with Luka: read a book, play Candy Land, do a puzzle, read a book, check the computer for any work-related emails, play hide and seek, sing some songs, read a book, check the computer for any work-related emails, maybe let Luka watch a video. Try to get Luka to take a nap. Ha ha. Most of the time this does not work. Luka cries, rubs his eyes and is grumpy and says he is not tired. Refuses to take a nap. Mommy asks him to play in his room while she falls exhausted on the bed with Axel. Feed Axel and nap with him.
Wake up. Help Luka to bathroom. Wipe his bottom if he wants help or let him do it (he can). Maybe do an errand or two. Maybe go outside and take a walk/push the stroller/let Luka ride his bike (trike). Try to get Axel to go to sleep. Feed Axel. Try to get Axel to go to sleep. Feed Axel.
Run around making dinner. Pick up Axel when he needs it. Feed Axel if he needs it. Play games with Axel and/or Luka while making dinner. Reynald comes home. Helps with Luka and Axel as he can. Try to convince Luka to eat or go to bed hungry. Give Luka a dessert - fruit, yogurt, cookie, etc.
Go upstairs. Get Axel ready for bed. Get Luka ready for bed - or, hopefully, Reynald is here to do it (he does it most nights now). Kiss Luka goodnight and have Reynald read to him, tuck him in. Put on his "slip special". Nurse Axel to sleep. At 8 or 9 or 10, when he is asleep, go downstairs and do any work that must be done tonight, read a magazine, write a note to someone, write an email or just go to bed.
Good night.

Big dino puzzle from Aunt Tammy & Uncle Vernon