On Wednesday, Luka's first day back at school after our trip to France, they had their Christmas/Holiday presentation at school. His class, Preschool 1, sang three songs. I had asked his lead teacher, Miss Debbie, to tell me what they were before our trip and we worked on them a bit while we were away, though for the most part, he knew them already. The class did a good and they were very cute. The songs were Guess Whose Beard is Long and White, song to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb, and a Christmas Fingerplay, and a short song about Hannukah. Luka wore his new red gilet (sweater) from our friends in France, Jean-François and Alexandra, where we stayed our last night in Metz before taking the plane home.
Luka in general seems to be going through a phase where he is a bit more difficult to deal with on a daily basis. He is constantly pinching or hitting me and often wants to hit or poke Axel. Though he says he is not, he is just "massaging" or giving us "calins" (hugs or caresses), this is not the case. I think it is he because he mourns the loss of more time with Mommy. So, lately, have been trying to give him more individual time but it is hard to do with a small baby. But, trying my best. Also, am trying to be more consistent if he hits, etc. me or Axel, he has to go to his room. Hate to make his room a punishment area, but he still seems to like it otherwise, and wouldn't no where else to send him. Other times, he is his sweet self, but this is definitely a problem to overcome.
Yesterday, we had a great time decorating our tree together. We have a fake, 3-foot evergreen that we put in the family/eating area. When Luka was 2 months old, his first Christmas, the (real, 6-foot tall) tree fell over just as we were about to leave town for Princeton Hot Springs that year. It freaked me out and since then, we have used the fake one. It actually looks pretty good. Though, I always feel guilty since growing up we always had wonderful real trees. Oh well - I say that when the kids are older, we will go back to a real tree. For now, this works well. We also decorted gingerbread cookies. Luka seemed to really like that. Pillsbury has already rolled out dough that you just have to cut out and bake. That is always the hardest part - the rolling out of the dough. So, we did that, though in general, I am against buying pre-made cookies as they have a weird aftertaste. But, these were actually not bad and let us focus on the task of decorating.
Luka told me the other day to stop speaknig both French and English. That is a lesson to try and speak only in French with him. Of course, I still have to speak in English to get through the day (with pretty much everyone outside the family). But, I was getting kind of burned out on speaking French at home, but the trip to France re-inspired me and Luka's great attitude toward French keeps me going.
Guess Whose Beard is Long and White?
Guess whose beard is long and white?
Long and white? Long and white?
Guess whose beard is long and white?
It's Dear Old Santa.
Guess whose suit is red and white?
Red and white? Red and white?
Guess whose suit is red and white?
It's Dear Old Santa!
Guess who comes on Christmas Eve?
Christmas Eve? Christmas Eve?
Guess who comes on Christmas Eve?
It's Dear Old Santa!
Christmas Fingerplay
I am Christmas tree growing up tall (stretch),
But when I first started, I was this small (crouch),
Then, I grew bigger and had branches this wide (stand slowly, arms out)
And I made pine cones with seeds hiding inside (hands for pine cone).
The wind shakes my branches (shake arms),
And down those seeds fall (flutter fingers downward),
To make new little pine trees for tinsel and ball (point hands together for tree, opening slowly to form ball shape).