In one of Luka's books (okay, it is
T'Choupi Fête Noël) the character writes a letter to Santa. I asked him if he wanted to do that too and he was all excited. So, we got out paper and a brown crayon (at his request). I was ready to start writing "Dear Santa/Cher Père Noël" but Luka was into writing the letter "A". I did not know he could do that! The point wasn't quite there at the top of the letter (the upside down "V" part before you cross the "A"), but it was awesome for a three-year old. Then he wrote an upside, down backwards "L" and a pretty good "C". And I helped him do a "B" "D" and some other letters. Then he "wrote" his name (various lines/scribbles, but we are getting there). He always recognizes his name when it is written (especially on Christmas present tags!).
So, the upshot of this story is, I realized that for Luka, a "letter" to Santa was just that - a letter of the alphabet. He was so proud and it was so cute, I just let it go at that. The idea is to do something he thinks is fun and he sure did think that writing "letters" to Santa was fun. :)