This is Luka's first Christmas where he is really aware of all the goings on. He is really into the decorations and music. As he has all year, he likes the song "Petit Papa Noël" and really loves Jinge Bells too. We have been playing some songs on our new piano as well (though he insists on "playing" alongside me and I am trying to figure out how to deal with the cacophony without hurting his feelings).
Back to Christmas - he loves to look a the lighted houses in our neighborhood or any light decorations we see around town. When he sees lit trees, he says, "Mommy, Santa!" He loves our tree too and is very concerned if the tree lights are not turned on, so I make an effort to make sure they are lit for him by the time he gets up in the

He is being quite patient (for a 3-year old), but I know it is hard for him seeing the growing pile of presents for a few weeks before we can open them. What torture! It reminds me of how I felt as a kid - it is a cliché, but also true that as a kid, Christmas is really a magical time. So exciting all that! He does ask me every day now if it is Christmas (i.e. time to open the gifts). We are almost there! Just a few days to go. :)
He also likes to inventory the gifts and notices if a new one has been added for any of us. He also likes to rearrange them and to stack them into a "castle" (chateau). He recognizes his own name so knows which ones are for him. I just have one so far, so he was concerned I did not have "enough" presents. Aww. Sweet little man.