Luka spontaneously did addition and subtraction just now at the dinner table, using what we called in my high school math classes, "a story problem" (applied to real life).
Playing around, he sometimes calls himself Medium Bob (the Builder) [Bob Moyen], calls Reynald Big Bob [Grand Bob], and calls Axel Little Bob [Petit Bob]. Just now, Reynald was downstairs. Totally on his own, Luka said that there were three Bobs, now Big Bob was downstairs so there only 2 Bobs left. If Big Bob came back, there would be three Bobs again. I asked him if two Bobs were there and one Bob left, how many Bobs were left. He said one Bob. He also said if there was one Bob left and one Bob came back, there would again be two Bobs. Pretty simple you may say, but I was amazed that he was verbalizing those concepts of his own accord. Go, Luka!