We just returned from our trip to France and Axel changed a lot even in the 2+ weeks we spent there. He smiles a lot and especially in response to being smiled at or talked to. He is a very accommodating little guy. He rarely cries. However, since before the trip to France, and exacerbated by it (travel, time changes), he does cry often if he is not held. We know this is common for babies, but he really has to be held all the time (as in every second) he is awake and lately, he will not sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, as in 5 to 15. Then, he wakes up and needs to come with us. So, in France, I ended up sleeping with him in the bed pretty much all the time. In some ways I do not mind it because he is so sweet and I like to snuggle with him. But, really, overall, I'd much rather not sleep with him at this point for several reasons: 1) I am always very careful, but there is always a suffocation risk when sleeping with a small baby, 2) I cannot relax fully and my body is twisted to protect him and I wake up very unrested, 3) I need a little down time - even if it is when I am asleep. However, this will soon be a distant memory, I am sure, so don't want to stress too much about it. He will be a big boy soon enough. :)
In France, everyone said what a gorgeous baby he was (of course - tee hee) and how sweet he is (very little crying, etc.). Also, as noted, he is just the smiling-est little guy I have ever seen, even more than Luka was when he was little (and that is saying a lot!). His grandpa often held him during our trip and they were buddies. They look a like too. :) He had a hard time sleeping in France and would not go to bed till we did. It was hard on all of us and he looked tired, but he is a stubborn little dude and just did not want to sleep without us, I guess.
By the end of the trip, he really liked to put weight on his legs and be held in a standing position (on people's laps). He would often cry if not held up like that. He likes the Baby Bjorn too. He likes it to sleep facing me but also often likes to be facing out so he can see what is going on. He is giggling still and "talking" a lot - making great baby noises.
He had a little cold/cough for a few days in France, with a runny nose. He had never yet had a runny nose in his life. To make sure it was nothing serious (because in tiny babies, it can turn serious fast), we took him to a doctor who is a friend of Reynald's parents. Reynald was examined too because he has a persistent dry cough. Axel looked good - was just in his nasal cavity. His runny nose has pretty much cleared up. I am sure he is happy about that - we were trying to help him breath more clearly and cleaning his note out with saline bulbs, which he didn't like very much (neither would I).
People in France noted, and I agree, he has lighter features than Luka - his hair is a bit lighter and so are his eye brows and eye lashes. Seems to me they have a bit of red in them too. His eye color is dark brown too. We will see if they end up as dark as Luka's. He is a handsome boy just like his brother!
We have his 4-month check up with the doctor next week. I am sure they will say he is perfect.