We have had several visits with Santa this year. First, Luka saw him at his school on Dec 7th when he gave his school holiday presentation - singing songs with his class. The school invites Santa to visit with the kids. Got some cute picture of him and then Axel too (and me since he was in the Baby Bjorn on me). Luka wasn't sure what he wanted from Santa, so I suggested now shoes (since he may be getting that) and I think I have succeeded in brainwashing him. Tee hee.
Then, on Saturday, Dec 10th, we went to Reynald's work sponsored "Breakfast with Santa". There were less kids than last year. Not necessarily bad - less frenzied atmosphere. We had pancakes served by the nice people who work in the kitchen there who were very happy to see Reynald's kids. We made some ornaments, decorated a cookie (which I later told Luka that some little elves came and took from the house so he would could not eat it - ick - all that frosting and candy), and visited with Santa. Snow shoes mentioned again here too - go, Mommy. Axel also was held by Santa this time - and he smiled! Santa said this was the first time he had a baby of that size who did not cry. Our sweet little man!

On Sunday, Dec 11th, Luka, Axel and I went to downtown Denver to see the Tuba Christmas. Luka was pretty good, considering we had to get there 30 minutes early to get a spot. It was very warm in the sun, thank goodness. He said, "Maman, ils chantent (they are singing)!" Referring to the tubas. He liked it, but got bored when the conductor takes like 15 minutes to recognize all the schools participating (there are ~300 tuba players from around the metro area). So, we took off. Then, we saw Santa and Mrs. Clause at Skyline Park. He was a great Santa - very nice and with a real beard. He told Luka there would be a "surprise" for him under the tree as well. Good thinking, Santa! He also gave both kids bear ornaments donated from a local bank. Luka liked that a lot.
We also saw Santa at Flatirons Mall on Tuesday. I did not think he would be interested (I never take him to those things - lines too long and pictures too expensive). I was surprised that he was interested in seeing Santa there - he said he wanted to talk to him. I told him the line was too long and that maybe we could look for a present for Papa first. That distracted him.
On another topic, Luka told us on his own the other day: "Je parle en français à la maison et en anglais à l'école" (I speak in French at home and in English at school". Great observation since it is very common for a child of his age not to even realize there are two separate languuages. Go, Luka!