The Bodeux family's adventures. Okay, it is mostly about the kids - Luka and Axel - but sometimes, we (Eve & Reynald) may want to share our own escapades too.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
International Colorado
A Day in the Life of Luka, Axel & Mommy
If it is a "school" day, hope we can get ready in time for Reynald to take him without being late to work. If not (more likely than not): tell Luka to get his shoes on about 10 times. Help him if he needs it. Get his back pack, clothes for outside, make sure he has his dou dou and his blankie and sheet, make his lunch. Write check to school if it is Monday - don't forget to deposit it when dropping him off. Wrap up Axel, put him in car seat or Baby Bjorn with sunglasses, as weather dictates. Take Luka to school -walk, ride his bike or in car, as weather dictates.
If it is not a school day, it goes something like this: Luka finishes breakfast, Luka has to go to potty. Luka wants to touch/hug/kiss/pinch/hit Axel. Watch Luka like a hawk. Feed and play with Axel. Play with Luka: read a book, play Candy Land, do a puzzle, read a book, check the computer for any work-related emails, play hide and seek, sing some songs, read a book, check the computer for any work-related emails, maybe let Luka watch a video. Try to get Luka to take a nap. Ha ha. Most of the time this does not work. Luka cries, rubs his eyes and is grumpy and says he is not tired. Refuses to take a nap. Mommy asks him to play in his room while she falls exhausted on the bed with Axel. Feed Axel and nap with him.
Wake up. Help Luka to bathroom. Wipe his bottom if he wants help or let him do it (he can). Maybe do an errand or two. Maybe go outside and take a walk/push the stroller/let Luka ride his bike (trike). Try to get Axel to go to sleep. Feed Axel. Try to get Axel to go to sleep. Feed Axel.
Run around making dinner. Pick up Axel when he needs it. Feed Axel if he needs it. Play games with Axel and/or Luka while making dinner. Reynald comes home. Helps with Luka and Axel as he can. Try to convince Luka to eat or go to bed hungry. Give Luka a dessert - fruit, yogurt, cookie, etc.
Go upstairs. Get Axel ready for bed. Get Luka ready for bed - or, hopefully, Reynald is here to do it (he does it most nights now). Kiss Luka goodnight and have Reynald read to him, tuck him in. Put on his "slip special". Nurse Axel to sleep. At 8 or 9 or 10, when he is asleep, go downstairs and do any work that must be done tonight, read a magazine, write a note to someone, write an email or just go to bed.
Good night.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
And a very Merry Christmas

We had a good time hiking and Luka and Reynald went sleddding too. It was verrrry windy, but they had fun anyway.

For Christmas Eve dinner, we defaulted to our paella dinner since it was faster and then for Christmas Day dinner, we made the pork tenderloin, aspargus and yams. The store in Estes didn't have any more turkey breasts, so we skipped the stuffining and the salad was just too much food. But, we did make (and mostly eat all of) the pumpkin pie on Christmas Eve. Yum, yum.
Santa stopped by in person with his wife, Mrs. Clause, on Christmas Eve and delivered gifts to Luka and Axel. He even knew them by name! Luka got a really cool remote control car and Axel got some cute wood animal puzzles that Luka has had fun with so far.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Mommy's Piano
We were referred to a piano in Highlands Ranch (otherwise, never would have gone there on my own - tooooooooooo far). We liked it and the look of it too. We negotiated just a bit with the woman and the piano was delivered November 16th, the day before we left for our vacation to France.
The previous owner is a musician - a soprano who sang in New York and now sings around town. That made me happy to get it from a musician and she was pleased that my grandmother and mother were/are piano teachers and that we will really use it (though I cannot claim to play like they do - oh well - but we *will* definitely use it and I am so glad to have a piano in my home!).

Luka's Christmas
This is Luka's first Christmas where he is really aware of all the goings on. He is really into the decorations and music. As he has all year, he likes the song "Petit Papa Noël" and really loves Jinge Bells too. We have been playing some songs on our new piano as well (though he insists on "playing" alongside me and I am trying to figure out how to deal with the cacophony without hurting his feelings).
Back to Christmas - he loves to look a the lighted houses in our neighborhood or any light decorations we see around town. When he sees lit trees, he says, "Mommy, Santa!" He loves our tree too and is very concerned if the tree lights are not turned on, so I make an effort to make sure they are lit for him by the time he gets up in the

He is being quite patient (for a 3-year old), but I know it is hard for him seeing the growing pile of presents for a few weeks before we can open them. What torture! It reminds me of how I felt as a kid - it is a cliché, but also true that as a kid, Christmas is really a magical time. So exciting all that! He does ask me every day now if it is Christmas (i.e. time to open the gifts). We are almost there! Just a few days to go. :)
He also likes to inventory the gifts and notices if a new one has been added for any of us. He also likes to rearrange them and to stack them into a "castle" (chateau). He recognizes his own name so knows which ones are for him. I just have one so far, so he was concerned I did not have "enough" presents. Aww. Sweet little man.
Movin' up to the big boy jogger

Grab it, Axel!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Axel rolled over!
P.S. Axel slept 7-1/2 hours straight last night - a record for him. Yay, Axel!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Letter to Santa
So, the upshot of this story is, I realized that for Luka, a "letter" to Santa was just that - a letter of the alphabet. He was so proud and it was so cute, I just let it go at that. The idea is to do something he thinks is fun and he sure did think that writing "letters" to Santa was fun. :)

Monday, December 12, 2005
Axel's 4-month check up
Height: 25.5 inches
Weight: 14 lbs. and 6 oz.
Head circumference: 17.5 inches
The doctor said he looks great. Of course, we knew that. :)
She gave some advice on getting him to sleep better. We will see how it goes. I think he will be happier and healthier with a more regular sleep pattern and we will too.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Luka can do addition and subtraction!
Playing around, he sometimes calls himself Medium Bob (the Builder) [Bob Moyen], calls Reynald Big Bob [Grand Bob], and calls Axel Little Bob [Petit Bob]. Just now, Reynald was downstairs. Totally on his own, Luka said that there were three Bobs, now Big Bob was downstairs so there only 2 Bobs left. If Big Bob came back, there would be three Bobs again. I asked him if two Bobs were there and one Bob left, how many Bobs were left. He said one Bob. He also said if there was one Bob left and one Bob came back, there would again be two Bobs. Pretty simple you may say, but I was amazed that he was verbalizing those concepts of his own accord. Go, Luka!
Visits with Santa

We have had several visits with Santa this year. First, Luka saw him at his school on Dec 7th when he gave his school holiday presentation - singing songs with his class. The school invites Santa to visit with the kids. Got some cute picture of him and then Axel too (and me since he was in the Baby Bjorn on me). Luka wasn't sure what he wanted from Santa, so I suggested now shoes (since he may be getting that) and I think I have succeeded in brainwashing him. Tee hee.
Then, on Saturday, Dec 10th, we went to Reynald's work sponsored "Breakfast with Santa". There were less kids than last year. Not necessarily bad - less frenzied atmosphere. We had pancakes served by the nice people who work in the kitchen there who were very happy to see Reynald's kids. We made some ornaments, decorated a cookie (which I later told Luka that some little elves came and took from the house so he would could not eat it - ick - all that frosting and candy), and visited with Santa. Snow shoes mentioned again here too - go, Mommy. Axel also was held by Santa this time - and he smiled! Santa said this was the first time he had a baby of that size who did not cry. Our sweet little man!

On Sunday, Dec 11th, Luka, Axel and I went to downtown Denver to see the Tuba Christmas. Luka was pretty good, considering we had to get there 30 minutes early to get a spot. It was very warm in the sun, thank goodness. He said, "Maman, ils chantent (they are singing)!" Referring to the tubas. He liked it, but got bored when the conductor takes like 15 minutes to recognize all the schools participating (there are ~300 tuba players from around the metro area). So, we took off. Then, we saw Santa and Mrs. Clause at Skyline Park. He was a great Santa - very nice and with a real beard. He told Luka there would be a "surprise" for him under the tree as well. Good thinking, Santa! He also gave both kids bear ornaments donated from a local bank. Luka liked that a lot.
We also saw Santa at Flatirons Mall on Tuesday. I did not think he would be interested (I never take him to those things - lines too long and pictures too expensive). I was surprised that he was interested in seeing Santa there - he said he wanted to talk to him. I told him the line was too long and that maybe we could look for a present for Papa first. That distracted him.
On another topic, Luka told us on his own the other day: "Je parle en français à la maison et en anglais à l'école" (I speak in French at home and in English at school". Great observation since it is very common for a child of his age not to even realize there are two separate languuages. Go, Luka!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Luka Update

On Wednesday, Luka's first day back at school after our trip to France, they had their Christmas/Holiday presentation at school. His class, Preschool 1, sang three songs. I had asked his lead teacher, Miss Debbie, to tell me what they were before our trip and we worked on them a bit while we were away, though for the most part, he knew them already. The class did a good and they were very cute. The songs were Guess Whose Beard is Long and White, song to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb, and a Christmas Fingerplay, and a short song about Hannukah. Luka wore his new red gilet (sweater) from our friends in France, Jean-François and Alexandra, where we stayed our last night in Metz before taking the plane home.
Luka in general seems to be going through a phase where he is a bit more difficult to deal with on a daily basis. He is constantly pinching or hitting me and often wants to hit or poke Axel. Though he says he is not, he is just "massaging" or giving us "calins" (hugs or caresses), this is not the case. I think it is he because he mourns the loss of more time with Mommy. So, lately, have been trying to give him more individual time but it is hard to do with a small baby. But, trying my best. Also, am trying to be more consistent if he hits, etc. me or Axel, he has to go to his room. Hate to make his room a punishment area, but he still seems to like it otherwise, and wouldn't no where else to send him. Other times, he is his sweet self, but this is definitely a problem to overcome.
Yesterday, we had a great time decorating our tree together. We have a fake, 3-foot evergreen that we put in the family/eating area. When Luka was 2 months old, his first Christmas, the (real, 6-foot tall) tree fell over just as we were about to leave town for Princeton Hot Springs that year. It freaked me out and since then, we have used the fake one. It actually looks pretty good. Though, I always feel guilty since growing up we always had wonderful real trees. Oh well - I say that when the kids are older, we will go back to a real tree. For now, this works well. We also decorted gingerbread cookies. Luka seemed to really like that. Pillsbury has already rolled out dough that you just have to cut out and bake. That is always the hardest part - the rolling out of the dough. So, we did that, though in general, I am against buying pre-made cookies as they have a weird aftertaste. But, these were actually not bad and let us focus on the task of decorating.
Luka told me the other day to stop speaknig both French and English. That is a lesson to try and speak only in French with him. Of course, I still have to speak in English to get through the day (with pretty much everyone outside the family). But, I was getting kind of burned out on speaking French at home, but the trip to France re-inspired me and Luka's great attitude toward French keeps me going.
Guess Whose Beard is Long and White?
Guess whose beard is long and white?
Long and white? Long and white?
Guess whose beard is long and white?
It's Dear Old Santa.
Guess whose suit is red and white?
Red and white? Red and white?
Guess whose suit is red and white?
It's Dear Old Santa!
Guess who comes on Christmas Eve?
Christmas Eve? Christmas Eve?
Guess who comes on Christmas Eve?
It's Dear Old Santa!
Christmas Fingerplay
I am Christmas tree growing up tall (stretch),
But when I first started, I was this small (crouch),
Then, I grew bigger and had branches this wide (stand slowly, arms out)
And I made pine cones with seeds hiding inside (hands for pine cone).
The wind shakes my branches (shake arms),
And down those seeds fall (flutter fingers downward),
To make new little pine trees for tinsel and ball (point hands together for tree, opening slowly to form ball shape).
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Happy 4-month Birthday, Axel!

We just returned from our trip to France and Axel changed a lot even in the 2+ weeks we spent there. He smiles a lot and especially in response to being smiled at or talked to. He is a very accommodating little guy. He rarely cries. However, since before the trip to France, and exacerbated by it (travel, time changes), he does cry often if he is not held. We know this is common for babies, but he really has to be held all the time (as in every second) he is awake and lately, he will not sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, as in 5 to 15. Then, he wakes up and needs to come with us. So, in France, I ended up sleeping with him in the bed pretty much all the time. In some ways I do not mind it because he is so sweet and I like to snuggle with him. But, really, overall, I'd much rather not sleep with him at this point for several reasons: 1) I am always very careful, but there is always a suffocation risk when sleeping with a small baby, 2) I cannot relax fully and my body is twisted to protect him and I wake up very unrested, 3) I need a little down time - even if it is when I am asleep. However, this will soon be a distant memory, I am sure, so don't want to stress too much about it. He will be a big boy soon enough. :)
In France, everyone said what a gorgeous baby he was (of course - tee hee) and how sweet he is (very little crying, etc.). Also, as noted, he is just the smiling-est little guy I have ever seen, even more than Luka was when he was little (and that is saying a lot!). His grandpa often held him during our trip and they were buddies. They look a like too. :) He had a hard time sleeping in France and would not go to bed till we did. It was hard on all of us and he looked tired, but he is a stubborn little dude and just did not want to sleep without us, I guess.
By the end of the trip, he really liked to put weight on his legs and be held in a standing position (on people's laps). He would often cry if not held up like that. He likes the Baby Bjorn too. He likes it to sleep facing me but also often likes to be facing out so he can see what is going on. He is giggling still and "talking" a lot - making great baby noises.
He had a little cold/cough for a few days in France, with a runny nose. He had never yet had a runny nose in his life. To make sure it was nothing serious (because in tiny babies, it can turn serious fast), we took him to a doctor who is a friend of Reynald's parents. Reynald was examined too because he has a persistent dry cough. Axel looked good - was just in his nasal cavity. His runny nose has pretty much cleared up. I am sure he is happy about that - we were trying to help him breath more clearly and cleaning his note out with saline bulbs, which he didn't like very much (neither would I).
People in France noted, and I agree, he has lighter features than Luka - his hair is a bit lighter and so are his eye brows and eye lashes. Seems to me they have a bit of red in them too. His eye color is dark brown too. We will see if they end up as dark as Luka's. He is a handsome boy just like his brother!
We have his 4-month check up with the doctor next week. I am sure they will say he is perfect.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
St. Nicolas Again!

Friday, December 02, 2005
Défilé du St Nicolas in Reynald's Hometown (or village, as it were)

It was a cold (rainy) night but Luka and I had fun following the floats as they played Christmas music along with lots of other people in town. The songs were French ones he knows due to our "studies" together in French music. They included the song about St. Nicolas (kind of creepy if you listen to the words - he reconstitutes little kids that were chopped up and eaten by an evil butcher - Medieval times are obvious as the origins for that scary story) and the Sabot de Lorraine. We walked past a church and in various neighborhoods and people's houses lit with holiday lights. We walked over the bridge after going in a circle around the Hôtel de Ville and then past Reynald's parents house. We stopped there as the others went on. Right before their house, there was a neighbor with quite a display of lights and a nativity scene (but no baby Jesus - had someone taken him away?) and a little house with a Christmas tree and animals.
Reynald's cousin who is currently working at a hotel in Paris pointed out that St. Nicolas celebrations are specific to Northeastern France and the Eastern parts of Europe - Germany, Poland, etc. It is not celebrated in other parts of France. Lucky us! I did not recall that, but do not remember that now from my year in Southern France. In any case, it is a great holiday and glad it is part of our family's traditions. Reynald's dad said that when he was little, St. Nicolas day was when the kids got gifts and Christmas was solely a religious holiday.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Leavin' on a Jet France
Luka was excited about the plane, but apprehensive too, it seems. After we were sitting on the plane waiting to take off, strapped in and all, he said, "Maman, j'ai fini" (I am done). I said, Avec quoi?" (With what) And he said, "Avec l'avion" (With the plane). Oops! We explained that we still had to take off and that it would be a while yet. He did okay in the end and we were glad to fly directly into Frankfurt with no stops.
Dieter and Ruth, friends of the Reynald's parents were there when we exited the "passengers only" section after customs. We were the only ones exiting at that point and I thought, "Who are these people taking pictures of?" because I had never seen them before (though I had heard about them). When Reynald greeted them, I realized who they were.
They were very sweet and brought gifts for Axel (rattle) and Luka (little wooden toy). They also gave us gifts for Annick and JC to take to France with us. They walked us to the car rental and then to the car itself, which was very helpful because it was far and we were kind of tired.
The rental car had a GPS that helped us throughout our trip (free in Europe, I guess) and sometimes got us lots or did weird things, but overall, was helpful. We drove the autobahn through to France, stopping at a clean, German-style road side cafe/bathroom stop. Axel did well on the trip, hardly crying. We were worried about that part as he normally does not like the car too much yet. However, we did have to keep moving....his one requirement!
This was now Friday and we were on our way to a small village outside Troyes to spend the weekend with 6 other families - our friends who drove from their various cities to spend the weekend with us. Nice!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Chicken Little
He was very impressed by the big screen. It is impressive if you are not used to it - and if you are little! He concentrated very hard and was very interested. Though, as a parent, the movie seemed a little stressful to me for a little kid - always something happening and waiting for resolution (Chicken Little rguing with his dad, the aliens arriving to blow up earth, etc.). Overall, I think he had a good time. He did tell me several times afterward that Chicken Little said, "The sky is falling!" and people told him, "You're crazy!"
Monday, November 14, 2005
I love you...giggle, giggle
Also, in the past 10 days or so, Axel has started to audibly giggle/laugh sometimes when he is smiling. It is the sweetest thing. So far, he has mostly done it for me (his constant companion), but he is a really smiley little guy, so am sure that will be a common part of his repertoire soon.
Axel has a new "pilot" hat I got from the Hannah Andersen store at Flatirons. He is (of course) the most handsome baby ever.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Halloween Fun

This was Axel's first Halloween and Luka's first Halloween trick-or-treating. We had lots of Halloween activities for several days.
On the Thursday before, we went to a pumpkin patch with Karen and her kids: Joel, Liam and Tristan. There was pretty much no one else there but us so the kids got to run around like mad and do whatever they wanted. We took a picnic lunch and ate at their tables. There was a bouncy castle and a trampoline, with a "petting zoo" which was some pigs, ducks, rabbits, lamas, cows and goats in stalls, and a hay bale maze. The kids had fun running from each activity back again. At one point after the bouncy castle, Luka told me, Maman, je veux voir les animaux!" He and Liam amused themselves greatly feeding one of the goats a bunch of hay. Stupid thing ate it since they gave the hay to it (even though it had hay all around it normally??). Luka was all excited when the pigs woke up. And, the lamas pooing and peeing was quite the event.

On Saturday, we went to Boo at the (Denver) Zoo and Luka was very cute in his coliforme / mountain monster costume. He was original, that is for sure, and had fun making scary faces while wearing it. We went there with the Sabot/Stansifer family as well. We got some candy and also had a good time looking at all the animals. Luka saw zebras, camels, elephants, cheetahs, sea otter, polar bears and I am sure some other things I am forgetting. Axel slept the entire time in his car seat attached to the double stroller so that worked great. This was the first time we test-drove the double stroller that Amandine had given us and it worked great: Luka could run around or walk when he wanted and when he told me "Maman, je suis fatigué (I am tired)," he was able to hitch a ride.
On Sunday, we met Corinne and Ada at the Boulder Library for Franken Fun, their Halloween activity. They had crafts and he did some of that, but was really into the Halloween concert put on by Mary Sue and Cari, two women who do a lot of kids concerts up and down the Front Range. He looooooooooved it - I have to take him to more kid concerts. He sang right along with them and did all the motions and he cried when it was over, saying, "Maman - je veux encore chanter! Maman - je veux encore chanter!"
Then, on Monday, I went to his school with him in the a.m. to volunteer at the Halloween party. The kids had a special morning snack (I took a fruit plate and they had special star cheese, etc.) and then they had various activities. Most of them were wearing costumes, but not all. There was Buzz Light Year, Simba, Snow White, Luka as Mountain Monster, Blues Clues, etc. The activities included decorating cupcakes (which they ate for their p.m. snack), coloring a scarecrow or decorating one big pumpkin. Luka (and some other kids) wanted to decorate more than one cup cake... ha ha. He was not that interested in the other activities and wanted to play with a bunch of Mr.Potatoe Heads and magnetic letters. At 10:30, they took off their costumes and went outside to play. There were 19 kids!
Luka's costume turned out great. It was lime green and curly/furry (though it shed something awful and was annoying to our eyes and getting everywhere on the floor, etc.). He had blue ears and a blue tail, made from navy fleece. He loved it and we got good use out of it.
Then, that evening, we went trick-or-treating. First we did our cul-de-sac and he was very cute. We have "played" trick-or-treat throughout the year, so he knew what to do. He would ring the door bell or "toc toc" (knock) on the door and then say, "Trick-or-treat!" very clearly (and usually loudly) when people answered. I sometimes had to lift him up to ring thedoor bellss. :) He was very cute and people seemed to think so too - the little kids are always the most fun when you are the one giving out candy. We did two other houses in our neighborhood driving the car (Axel slept through these) and then went to Jenni's, down Sheridan. Stuart and Jenni were home - Molly was working so missed us. They had fun with the kids and were glad to see both Luka and Axel. Axel is growing fast and changing a lot. And Luka is just a lot of fun. They watched Axel for a few minutes while he slept and Luka and I did a few more houses in their neighborhood. One that he picked out, "Mommy, I want to go there!" and some others with cool decorations. All in all, a very fun Halloween. He is very possessive about his candy stash and wants to know where it is. When I moved the candy from his candy bag (so he could keep carrying his copains around in it like he was before Halloween), he was very upset that his candy was missing. I had to explain I had put it in the cupboard for safe keeping. He does not mind sharing it, by possessive, I just mean he wants to know where it is. :)

Friday, October 28, 2005
Happy Halloween
For now, Luka and Axel wish you a very happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 22, 2005
Luka Three Year Check-Up
Weight: 30-1/4 pounds
Height: 36 inches (3 feet)
3 feet high means he can go on the "big" kid rides at Elitch's (if he even wants to, that is)! 3 years old and 30 pounds means he can do the climbing wall at REI!
His friends at school:
Kristin (and her older sister Megan)

Zane ... and others
A funny story from swim class:
Luka takes swim class on Tues and Thurs, with usually one other little boy. Last time, we mentioned that Luka's birthday had been the day before. It turned out Connor's was the same date and year! He was also three. Then, his mom and I talked and it turned out that Luka and Connor are in the same class at their school. The moms hadn't even known they knew each other - ha ha. The kids confirmed they were in class together. Funny. No wonder they got along so well!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Axel Update

Axel is still showing signs of reflux, but it is getting better. He has some days where he hardly spits up at all. Then, others he seems very uncomfortable and barfs a lot. :( But, I think it is getting better. Hope so - poor little man!
He is getting more alert and smiley. Earlier today at music class, he was very alert - the teacher commented on it - and also very smiley. He had a good time, I guess! He stays awake now for longer stretches at a time, but is still a good day time sleeper. And, he still seems to get tired in early/mid evening and recognize that night time is sleep time, so that is very positive.
He is not sleeping through the night, but does a good 4 - 5 hours at the first stretch and then 1 - 2 hour stretches after that. We just moved the rocking chair from Luka's room to our room so I can sit up and rock him at night and then put him back in his bed. That worked pretty well. That way, I can sleep better because not curled up around him/trying to protect him, etc. It worked pretty well the first night. A littl harder on me, because I can't go back to sleep sitting up, obviously, but that is the point: he goes back to bed sooner!
He does not like the car lately. For no (apparent) reason, he wkill often scream when he gets put into his car seat. Sometimes, taking off right away will solve this, but not always, and we often have to stop and console/feed him and take him out for a few minutes. Sometimes just cuddling does the trick and he goes back. Other times, he wants to eat or whatever.
Today, at music class, two of the moms said to me (unprompted)that he looks exactly like me. Ha ha! If people know Reynald, they say they are "twins" (like Luka and Reynald too), but he must look like a Lindemuth too. I see the Lindemuth boys in him (my brothers). So, all the past generations get represented one way or another. :)
Luka Update & Pumpkin Muffins

Luka's birthday is really today. Wow! Three years old. I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for him to take to his school today to celebrate. (Recipe from Auntie Mona - see below). And, made sure to give him a big hug and kiss before he left for school. Sometimes we are so hectic, maybe I forget to do that enough. He was all happy. My man! Will be interested in hear how the day went. I am sure they sang happy birthday to him! He seems to really like his school and learns neat stuff there - developmentally and socially.
He is talking really well in French and well in English too. He knows when to speak French and when to speak English - according to whom he is talking. He will even translate for you if you need it. He is amazing that way - has a clear idea of "French" and "English" and has never mixed the languages up.
He is headstrong sometimes, but is sweet still. Stubborness has always been a trait he has shown, since he was little, and I consider it something positive that will make him self-assured and confident in life. Also, being particularly stubborn must be a sign of his age and developmental level. Also, while he loves Axel and is very proud of him, he is a bit jealous and that comes through in acting up a bit sometimes.
Axel wears a little fleece prince hat, shaped like a crown, (from Auntie Laura when Luka was a baby). Luka says, "Maman, Axel est comme un champginon !" when he wears it. (Mommy, Axel is [looks] like a mushroom.) Pretty perceptive - ha ha. He kind of does, but of course, he is much cuter than a mushroom!
Luka is taking swimming lessons twice a week this month at our local rec center. We have gone to three of them so far. He seems to enjoy it and will actually get his head wet for the teacher, as opposed to us at home in the shower: "Pas la tête, pas les cheveux !" ("Not my head, not my hair!") THe teacher is a young guy (early 20's or younger?) who seems really into the little kids and has good ideas for getting them all excited.
Some of Luka's favorites songs lately:
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Oh, Susanna (as in Suz-ANNA after his beloved cousin)
Luka memory: when Luka was little and nursing, I always called it the "boobie". Not very elegant, but there you have it. My sis-in-law Tammy counseled me that when he could talk, it would be embarassing when, in public, he wanted to nurse and screamed, "I want my boobie!" However, I just lucked out. When he started talking, he called it his "Baby". And, sometimes, he did scream for it, but it ended up being a code word. So, have to remember that for Axel - get him to call it his baby instead of boobie! :)
courtesy of Mona
1/2 cup Shortening
1-2/3 cup Flour
l cup Granulated Sugar
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
2 Eggs
1 cup Pureed, cooked pumpkin (if you triple it is one of the big
cans-29 oz)
1 Cup Cinnamon Chips (Mona advises: I use chocolate chips instead, too weird with cinnamon)
[Eve note: maybe add cinammon, nutmeg or pumpkin spice as a variation? I did it without any of these though and it was still yum.]
Preparation Directions:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Cream shortening and sugar.
3. Add eggs and mix well.
4. Add dry ingredients...mix well.
5. Add pumpkin...Mix well
6. Add cinnamon chips Mix well
7. Grease muffin tins or use paper liners.
8. Bake at 350 for 20 to 23 minutes, or less for mini muffins.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Luka's Third Birthday Party
Saturday, October 15th we celebrated Luka's 3rd birthday party at the Denver Firefighters Museum ( with 11 of his "closest" friends. :) 4 kids from school were able to come (Josh, Zane, Faith and Kristin) and Kristin's sister, Megan, and then our friends' kids: André, Melanie, Joel, Liam, Tristan, Ada. We had a Spiderman cake, which was VERY important as Luka had been talking about it for weeks. It had a cool toy on top too of Spiderman duking it out with Dr. Octopus that he has been playing with since too. We had vanilla ice cream and apple juice. The kids ate first and then they played on the fire truck and tried on fire gear (just their size). They also got to slide down a pole. Luka got to do it first since he was the birthday boy and he just ran over there, he was so excited. They kids also liked playing with the computers that had special fire games on them - dress the fireman or whatever. There were also some firetrucks and phone toys (call 911!). The party lasted 2 hours. I thought it would be too short, but it was just right. When the kids left, they each got fire hats. They were really nice and much heavier than the ones you normally get for kids at a fire education function. Luka also got nice presents from his friends that we opened at home the next day. He got a really neat dinosaur set, a fire truck, a big snake, a fun Snoopy Halloween coloring book and lots of other great stuff. It was funny because at first he said, "Mommy, these presents are for Axel" because Axel has been getting so many gifts (to celebrate his birth). Boy, was he thrilled when he found out they were his! :) He also got to open a gift later that arrived from Grandma. A fun little tractor he gets to build and then play with. A very fun birthday! Our little man is already three!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Ode to diapers, diapers and more diapers
Axel has used disposal since birth - the first ones were so tiny. They were "newborn" size. They were teeny weeny and very cute. However, they kept leaking when we first brought him home. All diapers leak sometimes, but this was ridiculous! One of the doctors said her brother had twins and he said to fan them out before putting them on. Luckily, that worked because I was thinking of going back to cloth!
He grew out of this within 3 weeks or so. You can't those at Costco and for good reason. The babies grow so fast at that stage that you may get stuck with 200 newborn diapers that are too small! Now, we are using size 1. Costco sells these and I just got a box. They will last about 3 weeks. Axel, at this age, is using approximately 70 diapers a week.
Luka is still in Pull Ups at night for pee pee. He was awesome with potty training and really is out of that stage now and just goes to the bathroom like a normal person. He was pretty much trained a few months after he turned 2. He has done so well. I am so grateful not to have to change a big kids poopy diapers (ick). Axel's are like nothing since he is breastfeeding. They do not even smell (yes, I mean the poo). When he starts eathing solid food they will, but still, they won't be too gross for a while till he is bigger. Hopefully, he will follow his older brother's example and potty train fast and early. For boys in the US, that is.
I was just reading an article in the paper this evening and it said a lot of cultures around the world potty train their kids by one year old. I believe it - especially in native cultures. I have always wondered how native kids carried on the back by Indians, aborginals or Alaska natives deal with going pee pee or poo poo. It is a weird thing to wonder about, but pretty basic for survival. We have to have somewhere to eliminate... So, that was an interesting article. (It still didn't answer the question of exactly what happens to poo when a baby is in a leather pouch on his mom's back, but I am sure I could find out if I really tried. We could learn a lot from more "native" cultures and avoid using diapers at all, probably. Disposal diapers do have that fakey plastic smell :(
Sometimes, Luka asks me to put on his pull-ups at night like a diaper (you can open and reclose the sides). This is "regressing" as a game because he sees me change Axel's diaper. Thank goodness he doesn't take it farther and actually go poo poo in his own pants - some of our friends had a problem with that with their older child.
We also have doll diapers. Before I was even pregnant with Axel, Luka liked to put his own dipaers on his Baby (doll). They would never stay on because they were too big. So, I bought him some doll diapers to use. In general though, his Baby just "runs" around naked - we should put her winter clothes back on since it is going to snow any time now.
Diapers, diapers, diapers. They aren't so bad. Some day, I will be both glad and sad to never have to change one again.
Steven and Angela's Visit
We also had our fourth and last (whew!) free trip to Elitch's this weekend with our friends Corinne and Ada. Ada and Luka were great buds - holding hands and going on lots of rides together including the boats (Luka's favorite), the truck convoy and the train. And, of course, Luka spent a lot of time in his adored ball room. Ada was a bit overwhelmed by that one. I am Elitch'ed out for this year. Thank gosh we never have to pay! :)
Axel slept 6 hours straight last night!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Nursing on the Run
Skip ahead 3 years or so, we took a walk on our neighborhood trails the other day (the trail that goes south). Luka, now almost 3 was walking and Axel, about six weeks old, was in his stroller. He was having none of that. He wailed and we carried him. But, it seems he wanted to eat. So, there was Mommy (that'd be me), nursing him walking on the local bike trails. It worked okay, but my arms fell asleep after a while!
This past Saturday, I took Luka and Axel to Costco to pick up the photo invitations I made for Luka's third birthday party at the Denver Firefighters Museum. We also took advantage of this to get a bunch of other things. (That included a Princess 1st Reader book for Luka...) Luka was in the cart and Axel was on me in the Baby Bjorn carrier (he does not like to "stroll" lately in his car seat). When we were almost done and in the frozen food aisle, Axel began to cry, meaning he was hungry. So, here is me, pulling one kid in the big, heavy cart stuffed with food and other goodies, holding Axel in one hand and nursing him at the same time - going down the big main aisle at Costco toward the cash register. [Note: Reynald was out mt. biking during this episode - what is wrong with THAT?!]
Yesterday, we went to Walker Ranch in Jeffco open space for a 2-mile loop hike after visiting some friends who live near there. Axel was happy to be on Papa in the front carrier until about 2/3's of the way done. Then, he seemed hungry. So, Mommy hiked and fed him at the same time. I was very careful - the trail was pretty smooth at that point, but surely did not want to fall. Before that, Luka said he was tired (normally he is an awesome hiker and "wants to do it himself" - this was the first time I have carried him on a long stretch of hiking), so I carried him on my back for most of the hike. About 5 minutes after I put him down, Axel came on board.
So, rereading this, I guess a conclusion could be, I should just stay home with my kiddies? On one hand, that is just not practical (gotta go to the grocery store) and, two, I think it is good for them and us to get out - and as long as they are small enough, breastfeeding while walking is not too bad for Mommy or them. Another conclusion could be that I (like many other moms, including Dianna) am super mommy! That I will agree with.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Axel Update
He is smiling now (real smiles), started at about 6 weeks, and I got some good pictures of him doing it today.

He is really a sweet baby. He likes to be held a lot (don't they all?) but he really only cries when he is hungry. He is losing some length on his hair since he was born (he had a lot of it) but still has quite a headful. His eyes are definitely brown and I weighed him the other day and he is around 11 lbs (calculated by me weighing myself, adding him to the mix and doing the subtraction).
He likes the snuggliness of the Baby Bjorn. He slept through the fireworks mentioned in posting below (and they were loud), but sometimes wakes up easily in a quiet house. He doesn't like his bassinets unless he's totally beat (too hard) so has been sleeping in the changing table pad (on the floor) or our bed (of course, his fav spot!).
He is becoming more alert during the day (Mommy, ses yeux sont ouverts ! - his eyes are open!), but still sleeps a lot. He sleeps even more when Luka's at day care and sudden noises (screaming laughter, temper tantrums, loud toys) don't jolt him awake at inopportune times.
Luka is sweet to him and likes to show him toys and help take care of him: getting his blanket, putting a diaper in the diaper pail, playing the music button his is baby swing, etc. Luka always loved Axel since the day he came home from the hospital (or make that, since he met him at the hospital), but went through a time of tantrums with us. That has subsided and he is back to his jovial self, with a few 3-year old ("appropriate" at this age?) tantrums thrown in.
Axel is a good nurser. He does, however, spit up quite a bit as evidence of an upset tummy. Often, in the second half of the night he has a lot of tummy problems and trouble sleeping. :( Poor little guy.
At this stage, Axel looks a lot like Luka did when he was little. Glad the pictures will be dated, because it will be hard to tell 20 years from now!
We tried the bottle (pumped Mommy's milk) for Axel twice, but he won't take it yet. Hope we did not wait too long... Also, excuse any typos - Mommy typing (fairly fast) one-handed is quite the feat (with little dude in the other).
Update to the Update - September 26, 2005
Axel had his 2-month check up today. Here are his latest stats:
Height: 23 inches - 50th percentile
Weight: 11 pounds & 2.5 ounces - 50th percentile
Head circumfrence: 15-1/4 inches - 50th percentile
Go, Axel!
Fireworks & Baseball

Fireworks also appear in two T'Choupi DVD's. Our new one and current favorite, the full-length film (!) Le Mystère les Jouets (The Toy Mystery) has fireworks (and T'Choupi singing) at the end to celebrate T'Choupi and his friend's victory over the toy monster. And, in the episode Le premier bal (the first dance), fireworks and T'Choupi singing (yes, again) to show that he can sing if not dance. Luka likes these fireworks a lot too. Oh, and let's not forget the fireworks T'Choupi sees with his Papi (grandpa) in the book T'Choupi dans la nuit. (An aside: the author of T'Choupi seems keen on fireworks, doesn't he? He also seems to love the gouter (snack time) - or is that just a French thing in general?)
Lastly, here are some fireworks in real life! Friday, Reynald's company gave out tickets for the last fireworks game of the season at Denver's Coors Stadium. The Rockies lost but we and particularly Luka had a fabulous time. He danced a lot to the blaring music and flirted with some college girls behind us. He is already a ladies man - always seeking out the chicks (young or old).
We were in the Rock Pile (cheap seats) which is very desirable for fireworks games because if you are sitting there, for the display, you get to go down onto the ball field (with 10,000 other people) after the ball game is over. Lying flat on your back on a blanket with the fireworks bursting in air right above you is an experience to be had. Luka covered his ears the whole time, but was wide-eyed the entire time. He told me today that he wanted to go to another baseball game. I am sure we will. but we'll have to wait till next season.
Update - October 11, 2005
Today while sitting at his place at the table, Luka was playing with his "guys" or his "copains". These included Shrek, Fiona, Baby Donkey, Mama Donkey, baby gorilla, mommy gorilla, green frog, petit poussin, etc. He had all his buddies lay down on their backs on the table as if they were looking skyward. He told me they were all watching the "feu d'artifice"!! That kid has a good memory!
Letters Letters Letters
Now, we are starting to show him how words fit together. I bought a set of good magnetic letters for the fridge, with lots of repeats so you can actually spell words. At this point, he tells us words he wants to spell and we tell him what letters to search for. He puts them in order as we say what they are and he locates them on the fridge. Here is a picture of some of our recent masterpieces: EVE ~ CHAT ~ CHIEN ~ LUKA ~ REYNALD ~ AXEL

Saturday, September 24, 2005
Marie, Josef et le Petit Bébé Jésus & Old MacDonald had a Farm

Luka has a battery-operated toy slide that three characters slide down, climb up and slide down again (with like an esacalator stair case), going on eternally in a loop. A friend of ours (Jessie) had the same toy, but with penguins and he loved it. So, I found it online and ordered it. However, I ordered him the Old MacDonald version - there are several, evidently. The litte guys that climb the stairs and climb down in this one are a farmer, a pig and a cow. It is quite amusing, but the noise it makes (the escalator) can get to you after a while (but obviously, it doesn't both the kids as Luka can leave it on for hours and not bat an eye).
When he had had the toy for a while, he started talking about "Mary, Joseph and le petit bébé Jésus." When I finally took notice, I realized he was talking about the characters for his little slide. Too hilarious. As I may have mentioned elsewhere in this blog, he is fascinated by baby Jesus. He still remembers the neighbors lit plastic lawn nativity display from last Christmas and wonders when it is coming back. Christmas will be here before we know it now, so he will be excited to greet baby Jesus there, I am sure! He also loves the songs Jesus Loves the Little Children, Jesus Loves Me, and, the all time favorite, Il est né, le divin enfant (He is born, the divine child). I am not sure where he gets this obsession from, but I guess it is a good thing to be obsessed with! :)
For whatever reason (how do little kids' minds work?), he decided that his Old MacDonald characters were Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. He consistently calls the pig Mary, the farmer Joseph and the cow Baby Jesus. Once for several weeks, we misplaced Joseph (the farmer) and Luka was very concerned and often asked me to find him. I was on it, but couldn't figure out what there little guy was hiding. I figured he'd turn up though and sure enough, I eventually found him behind the big armoire in the living room while plugging something in. Whew - we were glad to see him! Now, I keep a closer eye on the whole group - since they are only about an inch and half high they are easy to lose underfoot. For a while, they were kept secreted away in the little Alaska sock purse that Grandma brought him from Anchorage.
For now, we know where they are - safe and sound in the plastic Spiderman bag with Luka's "menagerie" of wild safari animals - hope they don't get scared.
The Best Crepe Recipe
1 to 1 and 1/2 cups Milk
1 cup flour
2 Tbsp. Canola Oil
1/2 tsp. salt
2 Eggs
1 Tbsp. honey
Beat together all crepe ingredients to a smooth batter. Eyeball milk to make batter thin, but not too thin. Let rest 1 hour or overnight. Beat briefly before using. Brush a heavy 8-inch skillet or crepe pan with a little oil or butter then heat. Pour in enough batter to lightly coat bottom of pan. Move pan around to spread batter so it is uniform and thin. Cook until golden. Flip gently and brown the other side. Remove from pan. Fill with your favorite filling then roll up.
Friday, September 16, 2005
What goes around...

Fast foward about 35 years...pretty much every night now Luka says he is hungry just when you get him in bed and about to leave for the evening after the whole routine (reading, brushing teeth, massaging him, etc.). I am not sure if he really is anymore, but it is a habit at this point. Argh! We feel bad if we don't feed him, but with little guy number 2 around too (Axel) it is exhausting to add that one more item when you you think it is done for the night! Oh well... we will survive, I am sure Luka won't always eat a banana before bed, and some day we will miss even the late night "feedings" when he is all grown up.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Party Down!

We had a party for Eve's 40th birthday and Axel's actual "birth" day. As Reynald says, it was the biggest party we ever had. There were about 40 adults and 13 kids under 6 or so (and a few teenagers). It was in our back yard and the weather cooperated. It was catered by Word of Mouth catering - who had awesome BBQ and salads. We had a special French cake (if you can call it a cake) like we had at the second day of our wedding: cream puffs filled with vanilla or chocolate cream, then covered in hardened sugar, decorated with candied almonds and nougatine. Yum! It was fun to show off Axel and to have lots of nice people to celebrate two big events with us. My mom was in town too, to help with Axel, so she was able to be here for the big party too. She had a good idea to rent a bouncy castle for the kids and that was a big success. Thanks, Mom! We also received thoughtful presents for Axel and/or me. What nice friends we have.

Luka and buddies: Megan and Kristin
Fauchère Family and Richardson Family
Bouncy Dog!
Reynald pouring French champagne
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Paul W’s Blueberry Pudding Recipe
½ cup sugar
2 TBS butter, softened
2 eggs
½ cup molasses
½ cup milk plus 2 TBS (See note 1)
3 cup flour (See note 2)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp cloves
½ tsp nutmeg
2 – 3 cups wild blueberries (See mpte 3)
Preheat oven to 350°. Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs. Beat. Add molasses. Beat. Add milk. Beat. In separate bowl, mix together flour, soda and spices. Add flour mixture to molasses mixture. Mix well. Add blueberries. Mix well – some berries will break and the batter will have a nice purple hue in parts. Turn into greased 8 x 11.5 or 9 x 13-inch. Bake 20 – 45 minutes till done, depending on pan. Serve as a cake or in a bowl with milk and sugar sprinkled on top.
1 Original recipe calls for ½ cup milk only, but the batter is much too thick. Add additional milk carefully – it should still be fairly thick and a bit difficult to spread in the pan.
2 I use whole wheat pastry flour – it goes well with the rustic style. However, white flour is fine.
3 The original recipe calls for 1 quart berries and that the berries be rolled/coated in flour before adding to batter. (To prevent from sinking to the bottom of the pudding). However, I have never found this to be necessary. Berries should be wild – fresh picked or frozen (such as Cascadian Farm brand). I have also made the pudding with raspberries before as a variation and it is good too.
Axel Update
Grandma is here to help us with our two little guys and Axel likes having her hold him and Luka likes his playmate. He will be sad when she goes!
Axel is an easy baby so far. In the evenings, he usually goes down to sleep from about 10 p.m. to about 2 a.m. or so. So, a good long stretch before he wants to be fed. Then, he eats or wakes (for diaper change or whatever) every hour or so after that. But, he usually snoozes pretty quickly after getting a middle-of-the-night snack and then wakes up again periodically.
During the day, he still sleeps a lot - especially when we go in the car to do errands - but he is getting more and more alert. He looks so cute with his little eyes open and looking around. I am thinking soon he will be able to go in the little bouncy seat I bought him at the mother-of-twins sale.
With Luka we used a cloth diaper service till he was about 7 months old (when we went to AK to visit), but Axel is using disposable diapers. They are much less bulky, though they leak too unless you fan out the leg part inside. When we first started using them, they leaked every time!
Axel is also good about the Baby Bjorn front carrier. He likes it more than Luka ever did. Axel did it for the first time when he was maybe 10 days old and now has done it 3 or 4 times.
Last weekend, we went hiking in Rocky Mt. National Park around Bear Lake - Grandma, me and Axel in carrier and Luka walking, and then started up the trail to Nymph Lake, but Luka then said, "Maman, je veux dormir dans le sac à dos," so we had to turn around. We didn't have the kid-carrying back pack with us! I was impressed he remembered that since we have not done it in several months (but he did use it a lot in the winter with us).
Then, Sunday, we hiked one of the trails in Boulder at Chataqua and Luka did awesome - we hiked about 2.5 hours over big rocks. Luka was a real champ and so was Axel, doing the whole trail in the Baby Bjorn on Papa's tummy. My little mountain climbers!
Luka Gets Promoted to Preschool
He has also, on the suggestion of Grandma, been riding his bike (trike) to school every morning. Go, Luka!
His new teachers are Debbie, Jamie and Cory (who was also a Toddler 1 teacher). In a few weeks, Rachel will replace Cory in the later afternoon. His teachers in Toddler 3 were Majel and Rhandine for a long time. He really liked Rhandine and she was wonderful. She was due with her first child a few weeks before I was due with Axel, so in July, she was replaced with Sophie. Sophie was awesome too and seemed to really like Luka. He liked her a lot. Then, Majel was replaced with Danielle. Luka just had her for a few weeks before moving to preschool, but she seemed really good and interested in the kids and organized too. She was the new head teacher.
Luka loves school and it was time to move up to preschool where they are a little more independent. He is now going in the big kids potty in the main hallway too (as opposed to having a potty just for his room).
Friday, August 12, 2005
Luka's class makes us a congratulations card
Luka can ride his bike!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Axel William Bodeux
Born August 6 at 9:56 p.m.
7 lbs 13 oz.
20.5 inches long
See for photos!
Update 08/10/5 - Axel's umbilical cord fell off this a.m. Mommy's milk came in at noon yesterday.
Luka took this photo-montage to school today to show his teachers and friends how proud he is to be the big brother.
Reynald and baby:
Eve and baby:
Friday, August 05, 2005
Baby #2 Update - Due Date -1
Luka is doing well, but must sense something - he is particularly attached to both Reynald and me lately. "I want you, Mama!" "Papa - je veux aller au travail avec toi !" I feel bad that he will be without us for a few days while we are at the hospital, but he is resilient and I am sure he will do fine.
Little man #2 could come any time, so watch this space!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Hiking at Rocky Mt. National Park

I am two weeks away from my due date, but my gut feeling is, the baby would not come early and we were a bit stir-crazy from the very hot weather we've been having that kept us inside recently. Record breaking temps up to 105 degrees in the Denver area!
Luka had a blast and we met a nice family with six kids (4 little girls and 2 boys they were taking care of). He has so much fun hiking and playing with them that he was heart broken to leave them at the end of the day. He is very social and it is often traumatic for him to separate from friends or family.
I have a big tummy (see photo!) and some people seemed impressed such a pregant mama was on the trail, but others obviously thought I was some kind of nut. :) The family we met asked when I was due and I was (almost) embarrased to tell them (38 weeks along). But, I was right -

We started at the the Bear Lake trailhead and went to Dreamland lake. Luka was very happy to put his feet in the water like some of the other kids - though they were red a bit from the coldness of the lake. He had wanted to go swimming, but we convinced him otherwise (not safe and forbidden).
We had been up here before when I was ~1 month pregnant, on snowshoes in December. Then, there were just a few other people. Luka was on his skis then, I think, for part of it. This time, he hiked the entire way. It was fun to see it in winter and in summer. Nice in summer too - but very popular with lots of people! Actually, considering the situation, this time around, that was not a bad thing.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
It's Summer Time...
Strawberry Shortcake
1/4 c sugar, divided
2 c flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 c margarine or butter
1 beaten egg
2/3 c milk
6 c strawberries
1/4 c sugar
whipped cream
Stir together berries and 1/4 c sugar; set aside in fridge; stir every 15 minutes or so. Stir
Dad's Ice Cream
This recipe is for a traditional (hand-crank) ice cream freezer. To make it in a smaller ice cream freezer (like the Cuisinart I have now), cut it down or it will never freeze. I cut it down by 1/3 or 2/3's, depending. Also, I guess this is recipe is technically ice milk, but it is what I grew up eating, so it tastes just right. Homemade ice cream that is heavy on the cream tastes too rich to me.
1-1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
3 cans evaporated milk
milk (not fat free)

Monday, July 18, 2005
Eve Preg Pic
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It's a new car!
Well, new to us anyway. Did I already say in here somewhere that our Ford Escort finally gave out? What a relief. 3-1/2 years ago, the mechanic said it could die any day and we put not one dime into since then - except for one oil change - and the !#$&%* thing would not die! We had sort of started looking for another car in the last few months anyway. The Ford was (poor) Reynald's commuter car to work. Luka had only been in it a very few times (on way to airport or whatever) because it could have stopped working at anytime... And I rarely drove it either. I worried that Reynald would die in it or something though, and we'd be sorry for not shelling out for a different vehicle!
It all worked out though - finally, about three weeks ago, Reynald called me and said the deed
In any case, buying a car is always stressful and an annoying process. But, within that parameter, so far I feel okay about this one and Luka and I are having fun tooling around in it.
Baby #2 Update

3 weeks and a few days to go - today is Thurs and it will be 3 weeks till D-Day (due date) on Saturday. Little man #2 seems to be healthy and happy in my tummy. I am thinking he will be like Luka and come out near his due date. Though when Luka was born, he was assessed at being 41 weeks! So, hopefully, this little guy (due date for him established by ultra sound, as opposed to Luka), won't decide to stay in a week past his due date!
Luka and I went to my (now weekly) OB appointment today. Baby's heartbeat is good and I measured 37 weeks - right on. I am getting pretty tired now, but feel good otherwise. Luka cries when they use the doppler to listen to the heartbeat and in general cries when he goes to appointments with (for) mommy. Not sure why, but I try to avoid taking him when I can...
We have a short list for #2's names, so will see what we come up with. We are leaning toward one that is pronounced (basically) the same in English and French, but is not that common in either. (Though we were surprised to see it listed as the 23rd most popular name in France!). Neither of us know anyone with this name, but both have heard it before. Well, will have to wait till the little guy comes out and see what he says his name is.
Spanish Numbers
The Mystery of Coliforme
We finally figured out this was some word he was learning from one of his T'Choupi DVD's. Then, we got that it was actually coliforme des montagnes (coliforme of the mountains) and narrowed it down to the episode where T'Choupi goes camping. We thought it was the one where T'Choupi picks mushrooms with his Papi (Grandpa), and thought it was some kind of mushroom. But, various spellings didn't pan out in the dictionary. Then, Luka said it was the episode when T'Choupi goes camping - now we are getting somewhere!
Today, when he was watching T'Choupi, he got all excited and said, "Maman, coliforme - coliforme des montagnes!" It turns out it is the episode where T'Choupi goes camping. He is in the tent and is scared when he hears an owl hoot. And, he says something like, "Doudou, c'est le coliforme des montagnes," however, Luka was so excited to show me the episode that he kept talking over T'Choupi and I couldn't hear the exact word. I will check with Reynald - as the native French speaker, I am sure he will figure it out. It seems like it means "monster" or something like that. So, we will see. For now, the coliforme mystery is not totally solved!
Update 07/16/05 - The Mystery Resolved
I went out today to get my toes done (last time before the baby is born). They look great with flowers on the big toes. (Thanks, Jenni!) While I was gone, Reynald watched the "T'Choupi goes Camping" episode with Luka, and solved the coliforme mystery!
T'Choupi hears the owl and he says, "C'est le grosnivore des montagnes." Well, the reason we didn't solve it earlier is that "grosnivore" is not a word - but something T'Choupi made up: gros as in big and -invore as in "carnivore," we are guessing. So, I guess, to T'Choupi, that means "scary thing that lives in the woods." Well, that mystery is solved, but I think around here, we will still say "coliforme." :)
Friday, July 08, 2005
Luka Leads Circle Time
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
We're Grillin'!

I think we were the last family in America to get an outdoor grill... Now we have joined the ranks! Since we had our new patio installed at the end of last summer, we added patio furniture and then, this Father's Day, went to Lowe's and bought a grill. We have been using it a lot since then and having nice family lunches (on weekends) and dinners (any day of the week) outdoors. When it is sunny, we add our new parasol/umbrella and are having a blast. Also, today, I bought unbreakable plates and tumblers at Target for our outdoor eating adventures.
I also feel somewhat reinvigorated to find new recipes (for the grill). Was kind of in a cooking rut. (Wonder how long this will last when baby #2 arrives in approximately 5.5 weeks, but for now am having fun with it). Tonight, I prepared grilled shrimp and prosciutto kabobs along with a side dish (cooked on the grill in non-stick tin foil) that I had invented of polenta slices topped with basil, fresh tomato slices, spinach leaves and mozzarella cheese. Yum. Too bad Luka has been very finicky lately - not a trait until now - and would only eat some of the shrimp with the mustard garlic sauce. :(
Also, recently have tried organic (hormone free, etc.) beef kabobs with garlic pepper and veggies, and pork loin grilled with molasses sauce (that was so-so - may try it again and re-invent the sauce to be more exciting).
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Mommy's Papa & Baby Shower for #2
The girls all gave me thoughtful mommy-oriented presents which included an in-home post-partum massage, deluxe pedicure and many yummy lotions and potions. Yipee! Also, Luka got a gift too - a French book we read as soon as we got home and little man #2 also received very sweet (and needed) new-born sized onsies.
At the party, I told a story about Luka that I realized I had not put here yet and realized must be preserved! I actually can't believe I had not written it up yet...
A month or so ago, Luka asked me (seemingly out of the blue), "Maman, où est ton papa (Mommy, where

Some time before this incident, Luka had asked me where baby Jesus was. He was looking for him on the neighbor's lawn where, at Christmas, there is a lit up manger with baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. At that time, I told him that Jesus was always with us looking down at us from the sky, but that we would only see him on the neighbor's lawn around Christmas.
When he asked about my dad, I told him Mommy misses her daddy very much and that, now, he lives in the sky with baby Jesus and watches over Luka and takes care of him too. He seemed happy with that answer, and I was too.